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The Time After Pentecost<br />

wax, both portions become perfectly intermingled. When we partake of the body and blood of<br />

Christ, something very similar occurs. Christ becomes part of us, and we become part of Him”<br />

(St. Cyril of Jerusalem). “The fellowship of the body and blood of Christ, of Holy Communion,<br />

aims at nothing else but that we be transformed into that of which we partake, and that we bear<br />

the spirit and the flesh of Him in whom we have died, with whom we have been buried, and with<br />

whom we have risen” (St. Leo the Great). By partaking of this food we become incorporated<br />

in Christ, and for this reason it is necessary that we be taken up to where Christ is, there to be<br />

associated with Him in a community of life inexpressibly rich in its spirit and possessions, since<br />

He is the Son of God. He will be in us, and we in Him.<br />

Now we are the object of the eternal and supernatural love of the Father, which makes us,<br />

more than ever before, children of God, which sweeps us up to the bosom of the Blessed Trinity.<br />

Now we are enveloped by the fullness of the godhead, by the life of God, and at the same time<br />

made partakers of the glory which the Son has received from the Father. Now the words of<br />

Christ are fulfilled, “And the glory which Thou hast given Me, I have given to them” ( Jn 17:22).<br />

Now we become one in body and blood with Him. Now we become “Christophers,” bearers of<br />

Christ, since we have partaken of His flesh and blood, and thus become partakers of the divine<br />

nature and possessors of the divine life. (St. Cyril of Jerusalem.) This participation in the life<br />

of God accomplishes at the same time our perfect possession of the Holy Ghost, who dwells<br />

in a special way in the body of Christ, of which we have partaken. He diffuses Himself in the<br />

richest measure in those who are united to Christ as one body. Since we have been bound to<br />

our Lord so as to form one body, we shall be filled with His Spirit and with His divine life. We<br />

shall become one in spirit with Him just as truly and as intimately as we have become one in<br />

body with Him in the Holy Eucharist.<br />

“As . . . I live by the Father, so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me” (Gospel).<br />

This life in Christ is the marvelous result of the Eucharistic union. It does not consist principally<br />

in the fact that we fashion and shape our will after that of the Lord who operates in<br />

us; neither does it consist in the fact that Christ’s spirit guides and controls ours. The unity<br />

of spirit which results from the reception of Holy Communion is based on the fact that our<br />

spirit is permeated with the Spirit that lives in Christ. God in His innermost essence places<br />

Himself in our soul and fills us with His divine life. He grasps the soul like an enveloping<br />

flame to penetrate it with His light and His warmth, and to clothe it in His own glory.<br />

Now that we have become one in spirit with God through the Holy Eucharist, the Son<br />

of God lives His divine life within us. “And I live, now not I; but Christ liveth in me” (Gal<br />

2:20). “And all My things are Thine, and Thine are Mine” ( Jn 17:10). His love is our love,<br />

His thoughts are our thoughts; His will and our will are one; His love, His thoughts, His<br />

desires, and ours are like particles of incense which melt and intermingle and send a single<br />

column of incense up to heaven. The Lord destroys in our souls our purely human way of<br />

thinking, seeing, and acting, and plants in us His way of thinking, seeing, and acting. He<br />

tears us away from our selfish blindness and elevates us to an understanding of His spirit,<br />

of His poverty, of His love of the Father, of His humility, of His obedience, and of His love<br />

of the cross. We begin to forsake our selfish, personal wishes, plans, ambitions, and desires,<br />

and by means of His spirit begin to live after His manner of life. “He that eateth Me, the<br />

same also shall live by Me.”<br />


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