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The Time After Pentecost<br />

own way, disregarding the invitation of the King. The besetting sin of our day is indifference.<br />

Men speak, write, and rule without Christ, without God. The world is emancipated from its<br />

God; it is godless. Men have lost their supernatural center and have turned to what is not God.<br />

Indeed, many even actively preach and promote hatred of God and Christ. What a privilege, if<br />

we understand the intentions of God, is this invitation to the marriage feast! What a grace to<br />

be allowed to enter into so intimate a union with Christ, the spouse of the soul!<br />

“Come ye to the marriage.” The wedding feast of the King is presented to us Catholics at<br />

the time of Holy Communion. Holy Communion is essentially a wedding feast. Its object is to<br />

establish a unity of love between ourselves and Christ and the other members of His Church.<br />

Its end is our living, fruitful growth in Christ, the vine. At Holy Communion the Lord is the<br />

sole spouse of our soul, yielding Himself up with the most complete and intimate surrender to<br />

us, embracing our soul and penetrating our very essence. This wedding feast rejoices, consoles,<br />

and strengthens us every morning anew and inflames us with fervent mutual love: love for love,<br />

heart for heart, sacrifice for sacrifice. We know that today is our wedding day, and tomorrow<br />

is our wedding day. But not all understand this word, but only they to whom it is given (Mt<br />

19:11). Many Catholics, unfortunately despise this wedding feast “and [go] their ways, one to his<br />

farm, and another to his merchandise.” They do not understand that Communion is a wedding<br />

banquet of the King; they have other interests. We on our part must, therefore, welcome the<br />

invitation of Jesus the more eagerly.<br />

The incarnation of the Son of God and Holy Communion were both prepared for us by the King<br />

who makes a wedding feast for His Son. We are the ones invited to the marriage. We accept the<br />

invitation every day with still deeper faith, with greater appreciation and deeper humility, with<br />

more fervent love. Let it never be said of us: “They neglected, and went their ways.” Daily we<br />

must work for the renewal of our spirit and mind that we may put on the new man, that we may<br />

appear, at the wedding banquet in the “wedding garment” of grace, virtue, love, and holiness.<br />

Prayer<br />

Almighty and merciful God, in Thy loving kindness shield us from all adversity, that being<br />

prepared in soul and body, we may with free minds perform the works that are Thine. Through<br />

Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king who made a marriage for his son” (Gospel). The<br />

King, God the Father, sends His Son into the world that He may become our spouse. The union<br />

is fulfilled most perfectly in a union of love effected through Holy Communion, when we are<br />

bodily united with Him and He with us.<br />

“He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood, abideth in Me and I in him” ( Jn 6:57). The<br />

primary object of this union with the flesh and blood of Christ is the union of spirit and heart.<br />

From the mouth to the heart! Such a sublime union should result in an intimate union of body<br />

and spirit in a union of love. The Lord, therefore, nourishes us with the bread of the Eucharist<br />

that He may lower Himself to our level and fill us with His spirit. In this way our spirit should be<br />


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