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The Time After Pentecost<br />

last came also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answering, said:<br />

Amen I say to you, I know you not. Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor<br />

the hour” (Mt 25:1 ff.).<br />

“Walk ye circumspectly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days<br />

are evil. Wherefore, become not unwise, but understanding what is the will of God.” The Epistle<br />

here has in mind an effective and practical understanding of the will of God, by virtue of which<br />

we make use of every moment to carry out what God expects of us, and especially to bear the<br />

burdens he sends us. That is true Christian wisdom.<br />

Prayer<br />

Graciously grant to Thy faithful, we beseech thee, O Lord, forgiveness and peace, that they<br />

may be cleansed from all offenses and serve Thee with a quiet mind. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Wednesday<br />

The Epistle admonishes us to be “redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” The end is<br />

drawing near. We may look upon our lifetime as a market from which we are to buy and carry<br />

away all that we can for God and for our soul. We can easily misuse the time that is allotted to<br />

us, or use it to the detriment of our own soul. “Wherefore, become not unwise.”<br />

“Redeeming the time.” The years are hastening by. Before we realize it our allotted time will be<br />

exhausted and we shall stand at the brink of the grave. Every day and every moment of the day<br />

is given to us to be used for God, and thus to prepare for ourselves a happy eternity. Of all the<br />

time that is given to us, we can be certain of only the present brief moment. And before we have<br />

time to reflect on it, that moment is also gone. The past is gone forever and will never return. The<br />

future does not yet belong to us, and perhaps it never will. And so we possess only the present<br />

brief moment, and even this will be gone in an instant. Our whole eternity depends on whether<br />

or not we make use of the present moment. We can lose it or let it pass by unused. We may even<br />

make use of it for sin. But we can also make use of it to obtain precious graces. Death or life,<br />

happiness or unhappiness, heaven or hell, depend on the use we make of the present moment.<br />

Should we, then, not make use of every moment of the life that is given us, which may end at<br />

any moment, for the purpose of gaining heaven? Can we afford to let a single minute pass by<br />

unused? Do we dare give a single minute to living for this world or for sin? Should we not rather<br />

strive zealously to gain all that can be gained for God and for our soul?<br />

“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; or whether we die, we die unto the Lord”<br />

(Rom 14:8). We are Christians dedicated to God by virtue of our baptismal vows and perhaps<br />

by religious profession. Our whole being, our bodies and souls, our gifts and talents, our health<br />

and strength, belong to Him. Our time also belongs to Him. It is not we who have the right to<br />

determine and decide how the days, hours, and minutes given to us are to be used, but He to<br />

whom we are dedicated. He should determine the use of our free time and every moment of<br />

our life. Only one thing is left to us to do: to seek to know at every moment of the day what God<br />

desires of us, so that we may speak a ready fiat to all that He commands or desires. Since He is<br />

the complete master of every moment of our life, it should be a matter of complete indifference<br />


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