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The Light of the World<br />

Without interruption she sings the praises of the Lord, rendering to Him her gratitude<br />

for the Eucharist, the Holy Sacrament of His love.<br />

We must understand what today’s Mass wishes to convey to us. We believe in Christ and<br />

we wish to stand by Him, for in Christ, and in Christ alone, can we be saved. Faith in Christ<br />

alone makes us partakers of the fruit of redemption and assures us of eternal life. It must<br />

be a faith, however, “that worketh by charity” (Gal 5:6). “Without faith it is impossible to<br />

please God” (Heb 11:6). But it still remains ever true that the greatest virtue is charity. “If I<br />

should have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing”<br />

(1 Cor 13:2).<br />

In the ten lepers of the Gospel, we recognize ourselves. In baptism the Lord, out of pure<br />

mercy and without any merit of ours, cleansed us from the leprosy of our sins; and time and<br />

again He has repeated our cleansing through His priests in the second baptism, the sacrament<br />

of penance. “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”<br />

Today we come to the Holy Sacrifice in order to thank God worthily for the infinite love<br />

which He has shown us through so many graces. He never ceases to shower us with His graces,<br />

even when we do not think of them or even when we have made ourselves unworthy of new<br />

graces because of our pride and self-esteem.<br />

We thank the heavenly Father for all His love and graces especially by offering to Him<br />

in the Mass the flesh and blood of our Savior. “Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, be<br />

unto Thee, O God, the Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory,<br />

world without end.”<br />

We thank the Lord for the grace of baptism, for the sacrament of penance, and for the Holy<br />

Eucharist with our prayers, but especially with our lives: with the resolution to be faithful to the<br />

graces and promises of baptism. We promise to be faithful in fulfilling our duties of praying and<br />

working, by sincerely endeavoring to keep ourselves undefiled by sin and free from voluntary<br />

faults and imperfections, trying to spend our lives in pure love for Him.<br />

Prayer<br />

Almighty and everlasting God, grant unto us an increase of faith, hope, and charity; and that we<br />

may obtain what Thou dost promise, make us love that which Thou dost command. Through<br />

Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

The Church, in grave distress, cries to heaven: “Have regard, O Lord, to Thy covenant” (Introit).<br />

It is a cry appealing God to be faithful to His covenant, for the Lord Himself made this covenant<br />

with His chosen people, the Church, wherein He bound Himself to take care of them. The cause<br />

of the Church is God’s own cause. “Have regard, O Lord, to Thy covenant, and forsake not to<br />

the end the souls of Thy poor” (Introit).<br />

“This is the blood of the covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these<br />

words” (Ex 24:8). From the beginning God made a covenant with humanity. When Adam<br />

had sinned, He supported fallen humanity with His infinite compassion and promised the<br />


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