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The Light of the World<br />

merely natural considerations and principles. Neither does he seek first his own advantage<br />

or his own will before the will of God. The care for his own welfare comes second. The<br />

preservation of his health, the fulfillment of his desires, the longing to be delivered from<br />

disagreeable situations and persons, from difficulties and pains, from trials, temptations, and<br />

suffering, are always made dependent on the will of God. Such a man sees God’s will first<br />

in all things. Blessed is the soul for whom everything else recedes into nothingness before<br />

the splendor and beauty of the divine will.<br />

Not only must we see God’s will in all things, we must love and fulfill it. We shall undoubtedly<br />

find that the will of God hedging our life about like a law and regulating it in all<br />

its details is uncomfortable and repellent to our nature and its desires and appetites. It is a<br />

yoke that often appears hard and oppressing; it will crush him who embraces it reluctantly<br />

or unwillingly. But whoever embraces it wholeheartedly, it will lift up to the pure and holy<br />

love of God. He who lives according to Christ’s spirit loves the law and yoke of God’s will.<br />

He loves his work, his duties, the commands of his parents, and the orders of his superiors;<br />

he loves the commandments of God and the Church, the rules and discipline of the order<br />

to which he belongs. He loves the will of God, which he seeks and sees in all things, even<br />

when his nature recoils from the difficulties, renunciations, humiliations, and trials of life.<br />

For this reason he grows strong in fulfilling his duties with devotion and a noble constancy;<br />

he regards nothing so insignificant that it may be neglected. To him all his efforts become<br />

a blessed and gratifying cooperation with the will of God, a sharing of His life. He accepts<br />

God’s will in all his undertakings. Everything, even the seemingly least important of his<br />

duties, becomes holy and awe-inspiring. The true Christian is no longer guided by merely<br />

human conceptions and motives: his life is imbued with a pure and strong love of the things<br />

that please God. He no longer asks: How far am I bound to go? How far am I free to do what<br />

I like? How far can I go without committing a serious sin? He simply loves with a love that<br />

recognizes no such distinctions and questions. His love is the measure of his fulfillment of<br />

the divine will. He obeys cheerfully and unreservedly. Such a man is indeed a good tree<br />

that brings forth good fruit.<br />

We are here on earth to know God, to see Him in all things, to love and serve Him, and thereby<br />

to merit eternal life. God comes first; His glory is to be preferred to our well-being and our<br />

happiness.<br />

“Come, children, hearken to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord” (Gradual). “As<br />

you have yielded your members to serve uncleanness and iniquity unto iniquity, so now<br />

yield your members to serve justice unto sanctification”; that is, the fulfillment of the will<br />

of God. “He that doeth the will of My Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the<br />

kingdom of heaven.”<br />

In fulfilling his duties, the good Christian does not devote a meticulous attention to the<br />

outward appearance of things. He does not stand behind a veil, as it were, to look for God from<br />

afar off. Knowing that God is very near, he discovers Him in his work and in the fulfillment of<br />

his duties. Being fully aware of God’s omnipresence, he realizes that where God’s will is, there<br />

also is His grace and His aid. Knowing that he serves God when fulfilling his duties, he tries to<br />

fulfill them wholeheartedly in order to find his Maker and become united with Him. Thus he<br />

finds God and His kingdom in all things.<br />


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