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The Light of the World<br />

are members one of another. . . . Let not the sun go down upon your anger.” Such is the wedding<br />

garment, the new man. He who does not wear this garment, cannot take part in the banquet of<br />

heaven. He may have found a place on earth in the hall of the Church, but when the King comes<br />

(for judgment at the last day) He will ask: “Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having on<br />

a wedding garment?” And then He will command His waiters: “Bind his hands and feet, and<br />

cast him into the exterior darkness” (Gospel). The return of Christ at the end of the world will<br />

bring the separation of the cockle and the wheat.<br />

“I am the salvation of the people,” the salvation of all those who perform their duties faithfully,<br />

as they promised to do at their baptism, and who daily “put on the new man.” While celebrating<br />

Mass they bury the old man, the man of sin, the man of passion, the man of evil habits; and they<br />

devote themselves to Christ, to God, to God’s will and commandments. They live according to<br />

the will of God and for His honor. Thus they daily put on the new man through celebration of<br />

the Mass. They enrich their wedding garment always more and more, and they make themselves<br />

ready to partake of the Holy Sacrifice. Here the words of the Offertory are fulfilled, “Thou wilt<br />

quicken me, O Lord; . . . and Thy right hand shall save me.”<br />

Meditation<br />

The liturgy today leads us into the brilliantly lit and festively decorated banquet hall, which is<br />

thronged with guests dressed in resplendent wedding garments, awaiting eagerly the arrival of<br />

the King. The hall is the Church; we, the baptized, are the guests. The wedding garment is the<br />

garment of sanctifying grace. We are all waiting for the arrival of the Lord, the King.<br />

“Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man, who according to God<br />

is created in justice and holiness of truth” (Epistle). The nearer the day of the return of the<br />

Lord approaches, the more insistent become the admonitions of the Church: “You know<br />

not the day nor the hour” (Mt 25:13). “As in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the<br />

Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying<br />

and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, and they knew<br />

not till the flood came and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of Man<br />

be. . . . Watch ye, therefore, because ye know not what hour your Lord will come” (Mt 24:37<br />

ff.). The Church wishes that we be ready when the Lord comes at the hour of our death.<br />

We shall be ready if we wear the wedding garment of sanctifying grace. We shall be ready if<br />

we renew our inner disposition, if at each Mass, at each Holy Communion, at each sincere<br />

prayer, at each stimulation of grace, we put on the new man in our thoughts, our judgment,<br />

our will, and our actions.<br />

In the Christian life there is only one direction, forward and upward. If we fail to progress,<br />

if we cease to exert ourselves every day and every moment, we shall lose ground, we shall<br />

revert to the old man, to separation from God. We shall be ready to meet the King if we strive<br />

incessantly and do not weaken. That is what the Epistle means when it admonishes: “Be ye<br />

renewed.” The Church fears that we might become weak, that we might neglect grace and thus<br />

lose our wedding garment of sanctifying grace. She fears that, like the foolish virgins, we may go<br />

to meet the Lord without the necessary oil in our lamps. She fears lest, when the bridegroom<br />

comes, we shall not be ready and we shall be excluded. “I know you not.”<br />


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