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The Light of the World<br />

In virtue of this sacrament we may unite ourselves to Him ever more intimately, and partake<br />

of His life and His strength.<br />

“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.” How shall we fare in the<br />

final judgment if He applies to us the code that we use in the judgment of our neighbor? We<br />

frequently and unjustly condemn the faults of our neighbor, and cast stones at him for his least<br />

faults. Are we acting within our rights? We must change our attitude if we hope to find mercy.<br />

We are too much like the two elders who accused Susanna, and like the scribes who accused<br />

the woman of the Gospel. We should be more like Christ, who forgave the adulterous woman<br />

and all sinners who came to Him.<br />

Prayer<br />

Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that they who mortify the flesh by abstaining from<br />

food, may observe justice by refraining from sin.<br />

Stretch forth to Thy faithful, O Lord, the right hand of Thy heavenly aid, that they may<br />

seek Thee with all their hearts and may be worthy to obtain what they ask. Through Christ<br />

our Lord. Amen.<br />

Fourth Sunday of Lent<br />

The Mass<br />

“I rejoiced at the things that were said to me; we shall go into the house of the Lord”<br />

(Gradual). Today we go into the house of the Lord, known as the Church of the Holy<br />

Cross in Jerusalem. Jerusalem! Here the catechumens and the faithful (the baptized) touch<br />

the holy ground upon which they stand. In Jerusalem, Christ was crucified and buried,<br />

and there He arose from the dead. But for the faithful and for the catechumens, Jerusalem<br />

is more than a mere reminder of these holy events; for the faithful it is a reality, it is the<br />

Catholic Church of which they are members; for the catechumens it is the holy Church<br />

which soon shall receive them through baptism. “I rejoiced at the things that were said<br />

to me; we shall go into the house of the Lord.” “Rejoice with joy . . . and be filled from<br />

the breasts of your consolation” (Introit). The Church unlocks the fountains of grace and<br />

happiness. How exalted the new Jerusalem stands before us! In the old Jerusalem the<br />

Synagogue is only a shadow of the law of dread and servitude. In the new Jerusalem, the<br />

Church of the New Dispensation, we become the children of God; we are brothers and<br />

sisters of the Son of God and heirs of the kingdom of heaven; we eat at the family table<br />

of our mother, the new Jerusalem (Epistle). What happiness to be incorporated in this<br />

new Jerusalem! Thus we read with joy the theme of this Sunday. “I rejoiced at the things<br />

that were said to me; we shall go into the house of the Lord” (Introit). “He shall not be<br />

moved forever that dwelleth in Jerusalem” (Tract).<br />

Christ now lives and works in the Jerusalem of the Church. The Church is also the mount<br />

which Christ ascends in today’s Gospel. Many people accompany Him, following Him “up<br />

into a mountain,” far away from the bustle of the world, far from the wild disorder of town and<br />


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