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The Light of the World<br />

Prayer<br />

Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we who believe Thy only-begotten Son, our<br />

Redeemer, has this day ascended into heaven, may ourselves also dwell in spirit on heavenly<br />

things. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Friday after the Ascension<br />

“The Lord is in Sinai, in the holy place” (Alleluia verse). “Let us praise the King of kings”<br />

(Antiphon at Lauds). The feast of the Ascension is a day of triumph for Christ. He is the Lord.<br />

Christ is the Lord, the Kyrios (Phil 2:11). He has accomplished man’s deliverance from<br />

sin, and has taken His seat “on the right hand of the Majesty on high, being made so much<br />

better than the angels, as He hath inherited a more excellent name than they. For to which<br />

of the angels hath He [God] said at any time: Thou art My Son, today have I begotten<br />

Thee. . . . Sit on My right hand until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool?” (Heb 1:3–5, 13.)<br />

It was not to the angels that He subjected the world of the future (the Church of the New<br />

Testament), but to Christ, His Son. “What is man that Thou art mindful of Him? Or the son<br />

of man that Thou visitest him? . . . Thou hast crowned Him with glory and honor [through<br />

His Ascension]. . . . Thou hast subjected all things under His feet” (Ps 8:5 ff.; Heb 2:6 ff.).<br />

If it is said, “Thou hast subjected all things under His feet,” then there is nothing that is not<br />

subject to Him (Heb 2:8). He Himself has assured us: “All power is given to Me in heaven<br />

and in earth” (Mt 28:18). When we sing the gloria we joyfully acknowledge His dominion:<br />

“Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou alone art holy;<br />

Thou alone art the Lord; Thou alone, O Jesus Christ, art most high, together with the Holy<br />

Ghost, in the glory of God the Father.” We firmly believe that Christ, God Incarnate, is the<br />

Lord. We thank God that He has thus exalted our Lord and that He has subjected all things<br />

to His dominion. We, too, will be subject to Him, to His will, to His commandments, to<br />

His Church and its ministers.<br />

The reign of Christ gives Him the right to rule over all that has been made subject to<br />

Him, in heaven and on earth, in time and eternity. Men and angels and all created things,<br />

both now and throughout all eternity, must obey the will of the Father and of His risen<br />

Son, our Savior, and honor Them. “Thou alone art the Lord.” Christ is the Lord, not only<br />

of the Sabbath, but of all days; not only of a part of the day, but of the whole day; not only<br />

of one locality, but of the whole world. All our internal and external acts, all of our actions<br />

and deeds, must be performed to serve Him and promote His honor; they must preach<br />

Christ and be subject to His will and pleasure. Our most personal desires, our most secret<br />

ambitions, our very essence and being belong to Him. “Thou alone art the Lord.” He is the<br />

absolute Master of all things. His is a supremacy to which all else is subdued. God has made<br />

us completely and entirely dependent on Christ in all our desires and actions. This dependence<br />

embraces not only individuals, but the whole community; it includes all nations and<br />

all races. Today heaven and earth and hell must all confess, now and forever, that Christ is<br />

the Lord (cf. Phil 2:10 ff.). We willingly accept this domination of Christ over us, over all<br />

mankind, over all creation. We pray that all may be subject to Him and confess Him as their<br />

Master. “Thy kingdom come.”<br />


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