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The Easter Cycle<br />

Now Christ speaks in the Gospel: “A little while, and now you shall not see Me; and again<br />

a little while, and you shall see Me. . . . And you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall<br />

be turned into joy.” By means of the Easter spirit we are consoled in the suffering which results<br />

from our being thus left behind. Having the Easter spirit, we know that there will be an eventual<br />

victory and an eternal resurrection. Through darkness into light! Thus we courageously sing<br />

our Credo and our joyful Offertory song: “Praise the Lord, O my soul.” Eventually we shall see<br />

Him face to face, and we shall possess Him for all eternity.<br />

But even now we behold Him daily for a moment, living among us in a mystical manner. Not<br />

the senses of man, but only the eyes of faith behold the risen Christ living in our midst at the<br />

Consecration. Christ keeps a joyful reunion with us. He gives Himself to us as our offering;<br />

He lives and prays with us; He offers Himself to the Father for us and with us, and we offer<br />

with Him and through Him. He unites us in His unending sacrificial life, lifts us up in His pure<br />

hands, satiates us at Holy Communion with His risen life, and draws our hearts with Him into<br />

heaven. “A little while, and you shall not see Me, alleluia; and again a little while, and you shall see<br />

Me” (Communion). Indeed this is a blessed reunion which we experience in every Mass. And<br />

when the Holy Sacrifice is finished we speak our Deo gratias with hearts filled with gratitude.<br />

We have seen the Lord, alleluia.<br />

Meditation<br />

The liturgy already directs our attention to the ascension of the Lord. Still we are not sad at this<br />

departure of the Master. We have never felt that the earth was our true home, for our true home<br />

is in heaven. “A little while,” and we, too, shall follow Him and there we shall be with Him always.<br />

“A little while, and now you shall not see Me” (Gospel). We are to remain on earth for only<br />

a short time as pilgrims and strangers. Woe to us, if the earth becomes our home! The more<br />

complete our resurrection with Christ, the more we shall find that all our desires are on “the<br />

things that are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God” (Col 3:1); they are fixed<br />

on that which is eternal, on our heavenly home. The life which we received from Christ through<br />

baptism, penance, and the reception of Holy Communion, requires that we reject firmly but<br />

gladly all the pleasures, joys, and riches of the world. It requires of us a life of mortification and<br />

renunciation, a continual battle against flesh and blood, against the movements and desires of<br />

our fallen nature. It requires that we be continually crucified with Christ by sharing His poverty,<br />

His humiliations, and His sufferings. The man who is truly risen with Christ will no longer be<br />

understood by the world. His manner of acting, his deeds, his speech, will be misunderstood.<br />

Yes, even God Himself has prepared for him humiliations, misunderstandings, sufferings, dryness,<br />

bitterness, and sickness. Those who live with Christ find this world an unfriendly place;<br />

whereas those who never pray, who pay no heed to God or the Church, often acquire much<br />

of this world’s goods. Such men laugh and enjoy life. But the Lord reassures us, “a little while.”<br />

“And again a little while, and you shall see me.” Easter and our resurrection with Christ<br />

are merely the introduction to our eventual ascension with Him. After our resurrection with<br />

Christ we shall return to Him in heaven, and there we shall see Him and share His life and His<br />

inheritance. “Your sorrow shall be turned into joy. . . . You now indeed have sorrow; but I will<br />

see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man shall take from you.” Only a<br />


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