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The Time After Pentecost<br />

justify himself, and therefore he asked: “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus then related the parable<br />

of the good Samaritan and at the end asked the lawyer: “Which of these three, in thy opinion,<br />

was neighbor to him that fell among robbers?” He said: “He that showed mercy to him.” Jesus<br />

said to him: “Go and do thou in like manner.” This, then, is the commandment of the Lord:<br />

Go and be also a good Samaritan.<br />

“The earth shall be filled with the fruit of Thy works, O Lord” (Communion). The bread and<br />

wine of the Holy Eucharist give the Church the power and the obligation to be a good Samaritan<br />

to suffering humanity. Man is not called to merely an earthly goal, to attain which he must<br />

fulfill his duties on earth and make use of his natural powers and talents; but beyond that he is<br />

destined for a heavenly goal, for which he must develop his supernatural powers and faculties<br />

in order to share in the divine life. He is to be permeated with divine and sanctifying powers of<br />

life, that he may be lifted up into the fullness of life in God. This elevation of man to share the<br />

divine life, however, cannot be the work of man himself. It is the work of God, of His free and<br />

merciful love and grace.<br />

When God created man in Paradise, He made him a partaker of this divine life through<br />

grace. Both grace and nature had been bestowed on Adam for all of us. But Adam sinned and,<br />

as the head and representative of the entire human race, lost for all mankind the life of grace.<br />

Thus humanity is the man who fell among robbers. Who will save him and restore to him<br />

the life of the sonship of God? It can be restored to him only by God Himself through Christ<br />

and His Church. To the latter God has entrusted the wine of the Holy Eucharist and the oil<br />

of the graces of salvation. With all the power of her divine Master she ministers to humanity.<br />

She feels obliged to render her service to those who fall among robbers, for she performs the<br />

service of the good Samaritan when she fulfills the command of her Master: “Going therefore,<br />

teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy<br />

Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19<br />

f.). With unmoved courage and heroic perseverance, the Church for two thousand years has<br />

fulfilled her commission, strengthened by the power which the good Samaritan provided for<br />

her when He gave her the two pence: the power of teaching and the sacraments, especially the<br />

Holy Eucharist.<br />

Our Lord commanded His Church to “take care of him,” but first of all, of the salvation<br />

of his soul. He wants her to practice the works of mercy, particularly the spiritual works<br />

of mercy. Therefore the Church prays for the living and the dead, and prays especially for<br />

those who are dead in sin, that they may rise again to the life of grace. To show sinners the<br />

right way and to instruct the ignorant were always important duties of the Church. She<br />

never wearies of caring for sinners and the ignorant through instruction and admonition,<br />

but especially through the administration of the sacrament of penance. In this sacrament<br />

of mercy the Church, full of understanding, mercy, and love, bows down to the man fallen<br />

among robbers. Into his wounds she pours the oil of grace and forgiveness through the<br />

power of God. New life and new joy will return to the soul which before was full of fear<br />

and despair. When a new will and a new strength for doing good, a powerful longing for<br />

God, and a healing peace come back into such a man’s soul, it can be truly asserted that no<br />

power on earth is able to console, heal, and show mercy as does the Church in the sacrament<br />

of penance. “Which of these three, in thy opinion, was neighbor to him that fell among<br />


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