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The Light of the World<br />

We rejoice with all our hearts at the glorious destiny that is ours. We greet the star of faith<br />

with hearts full of confidence, and we follow faithfully its light and its guidance. We rejoice<br />

in our holy baptism, by means of which we were first united to Christ. We exult in our holy<br />

Church, which is the house in which we “found the child with Mary, His mother.” With the wise<br />

men of the East let us lay aside those comforts which the earth could offer us, and turn resolutely<br />

aside from all that might detain us in our search for Christ, and hasten to meet Him that we<br />

may lay our gifts at His feet. The gifts which we bring are the gold of our faith and devotion, the<br />

incense of our veneration and adoration, the myrrh of our willingness to accept all manner of<br />

discomfort, sacrifice, labor, suffering, crosses, and humiliations for His sake.<br />

“We have seen His star in the east and are come to adore Him.” He unites the human nature<br />

and the divine nature in one person, and, “as the Father hath life in Himself, so He hath given<br />

to the Son also to have life in Himself ” ( Jn 5:26). One and the same life is possessed by the<br />

Father and by the humanity of Christ. In the child to whom the star has guided us there resides<br />

“all the fullness of the Godhead corporeally” (Col 2:9).<br />

This fullness of divine life which is possessed by the child in the manger is to be communicated<br />

to us and to all men upon the earth. The sonship of God, which is His by nature, He is<br />

to extend to us by means of grace, so that Christ, according to the divine plan, is to be “the firstborn<br />

amongst many brethren” (Rom 8:29). As He is the Son of God by nature, so we become<br />

the sons of God by grace. This sonship we receive from Christ. Through Him and through Him<br />

alone can we receive grace and eternal life. To be a Christian means to share the sonship of God<br />

with Christ, the Son of the eternal Father, to whom we are united as members of a body are<br />

united to their head. Only those who possess Christ, only those who come to Him, can share<br />

in the life of the children of God, in the grace of God, and in the enjoyment of eternal life. It<br />

is the star of faith that has led us to Christ. We have found Him, not by any effort of our own<br />

nor because we were more worthy than others, but because of a gratuitous grace of the infinite<br />

mercy of God the gift of faith was imparted to us. For this tremendous gift we are thankful, for<br />

“by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Cor 15:10).<br />

How rich we are in the possession of Christ, who has appeared to us! “That Thou wouldst<br />

recall to the unity of the faith all those who are in error, and bring all unbelievers to the light of<br />

the gospel: We beseech Thee hear us” (Litany of the Saints).<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who by means of a star didst this day manifest to the Gentiles Thy only-begotten Son;<br />

grant that we to whom Thou hast already made Thyself known by faith, may come at last to the<br />

vision of the beauty of Thy majesty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany (1)<br />

Today the sacred liturgy allows us to witness the first Offertory procession when she shows us<br />

Jesus at the age of twelve setting out for His first visit to the temple at Jerusalem. He must “be<br />

about My Father’s business.” He goes to make an offering of Himself to His heavenly Father.<br />

Then He returns to Nazareth to continue His offering in the tranquil atmosphere of His family<br />

circle. There He “was subject to them.” Twenty years later He will complete His sacrifice on the<br />


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