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The Time After Pentecost<br />

of the world; we knew only the natural struggle for existence. We were deaf to God, for our ears<br />

were not attuned to the things that are God’s. When He restored the power of hearing to us<br />

who were deaf, we became Christians and listened attentively for the voice from above, for the<br />

whisperings of God dwelling within us, and for the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. From then<br />

on we understood the language of God. We came to look at life from the viewpoint of God and<br />

the gospel; we suddenly realized that the wisdom of this world and its judgment and principles<br />

are foolishness, and that the ideals that the world despises and condemns are true wisdom in the<br />

sight of God. “The wisdom of the flesh is an enemy to God” (Rom 8:7). “The Lord chose not<br />

them [men of renown], neither did they find the way of knowledge. . . . And because they had<br />

not wisdom, they perished through their folly” (Bar 3:27 f.). He gave us the spirit of wisdom<br />

and understanding of the things that are God’s. We therefore count earthly things for nothing;<br />

we bear with patience the vicissitudes and sufferings of life. Our foremost desire is to be united<br />

with God, who dwells, loves, and works within us, to listen to His inspirations and suggestions,<br />

and to draw ever nearer to our heavenly goal. “Rejoice to God our helper; sing aloud to the God<br />

of Jacob” (Gradual).<br />

“He hath made . . . the dumb to speak.” While we were yet separated from Christ and His<br />

life, the Lord loosed our tongue in the sacrament of baptism and united us to Himself. From<br />

now on we are allowed to approach the Father as children. “You have received the spirit of adoption<br />

of sons, whereby we cry: Abba, Father” (Rom 8:15). In baptism the word of the prophet<br />

has been fulfilled in us: “I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of<br />

Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of prayers” (Zac 12:10). United with Christ, we may speak to<br />

the Father with confidence, but even more: as the deaf and dumb man in the Gospel “spoke<br />

right,” we likewise have been granted the grace of speaking to the Father in a manner that is<br />

pleasing to Him. Since the Lord has united us with Himself, He makes our prayers a part of<br />

His intercessions with the Father; thus we pray and speak to the Father in Christ, with Christ,<br />

and through Christ. It is not our voice, however, which the Father hears; it is rather the voice<br />

of Him in whom He is well pleased. We pray in the name of Jesus ( Jn 14:13); that is, in closest<br />

unity with Him and through Him. When we pray and speak to the Father, the word of the Lord<br />

is fulfilled: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and<br />

it shall be done unto you” ( Jn 15:7). We have no reason to fear that our praying and speaking<br />

will not please the Father, for we pray in Jesus Christ. The power of our prayer is the result of<br />

our baptism, of our union with Christ. “He hath made . . . the dumb to speak.”<br />

“I will extol Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast upheld me and hast not made my enemies to rejoice<br />

over me” (Offertory). The sacrifice of today’s Mass must be a sacrifice of thanksgiving to Him<br />

who has cured us in baptism and has poured out His gifts to us in abundance. “Let us give<br />

thanks to the Lord our God.”<br />

“God in His holy place; God who maketh men of one mind to dwell in a house; He shall<br />

give power and strength to His people” (Introit). These words taken from the sixty-seventh<br />

psalm are a hymn of triumph, the triumph of the Church. God’s place is heaven, whither<br />

He will lead us, His people, with wonderful power and strength. Though the road will pass<br />

through the desert of this earthly life, and enemies will oppress us from all sides, He will be<br />

our protection. The Lord bestows unity, perfection, and strength on His Church. Through<br />

baptism we have become members of God’s people. In the Mass let us again profess our<br />


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