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The Light of the World<br />

the grace of our having become children of God, of the indwelling of God in our souls, of<br />

having been destined to become heirs of heaven.<br />

A day of thanksgiving for blessings of the spiritual and supernatural harvest which God has<br />

given us. An impressive picture of these blessings is given us by the prophet Amos in the first<br />

lesson: “Behold, the days come when the ploughman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of<br />

grapes him that soweth seed, and the mountains shall drop sweetness and every hill shall be filled.”<br />

Looking back over the past months since Pentecost, we think of the rich temporal blessings which<br />

God has given us; but even more precious are the spiritual blessings which we have received. We<br />

have been blessed in the daily fulfillment of our holy calling, either in the world or in the religious<br />

life: in our daily prayers and meditations, in the daily Mass and Communion, in the many inspirations<br />

of grace. We have received many graces through exterior and interior tribulations, through<br />

our purification and redemption from the spirit of the world and from pride and egoism.<br />

Ember Wednesday is a day of recollection. We follow the intentions of the Church by abstaining<br />

from bodily food and also by abstaining from sin (second Collect). Strengthened anew,<br />

we leave the Ember days as the young man of the Gospel, fortified through the power of the<br />

Eucharistic Lord.<br />

“I will meditate on Thy commandments, which I have loved exceedingly; and lift up my<br />

hands to Thy commandments, which I have loved” (Offertory). I am resigned to Thy holy will<br />

in all things. When we receive Holy Communion, the Church prays: “Eat fat meats and drink<br />

sweet wine, and send portions to them that have not prepared for themselves.” The fruit of Holy<br />

Communion is that charity which spends itself by helping others and giving to others. “Be not<br />

sad, for the joy of the Lord is our strength” (Communion). “Blessed is the nation whose God<br />

is the Lord, the people whom the Lord hath chosen for His inheritance” (Gradual).<br />

Prayer<br />

O Lord, may the remedies of Thy mercy uphold our weakness, we beseech Thee; and in pity<br />

renew our strength, which by its nature is ever failing. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

A doctor of the law approached our Lord to tempt Him, asking: “Master, which is the great<br />

commandment of the law?” Jesus answered Him: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy<br />

whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first<br />

commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ” (Gospel).<br />

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.” Not all love of God is perfect. Sometimes we love God<br />

because we have received some good from Him or hope to receive some good from Him.<br />

We love Him that we may escape eternal damnation and may be eternally happy with Him.<br />

Such love is imperfect because we love God first of all for our own sake and for the sake of our<br />

eternal salvation. Such love is naturally good and supernaturally effective, but it is not perfect<br />

love. Perfect love seeks God for His own sake without thinking of self. Through perfect love<br />

the soul is so attached to God that he who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit with Him (1<br />

Cor 6:17). With perfect love God and the soul are so united that they become as it were one.<br />


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