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The Light of the World<br />

occasional act or intention, but a good habit of seeking God first. In all things we should look<br />

to Christ and to God first, accepting all sacrifices and trials as coming from His hand.<br />

“Pour forth Thy love into our hearts.” Love makes us forgetful of ourselves and ready to sacrifice<br />

everything rather than displease God in the smallest matter. Love values the happiness of pleasing<br />

Him above every other good, and renders us more jealous of our friendship with Him than<br />

of that with anyone else in this world. Such a love considers His slightest wish as a command.<br />

Such a love disregards mere human considerations, despises the threats or enticements of those<br />

who would turn it away from the will of God, which it wishes to see accomplished in all things.<br />

Who can lead us to the possession of such a love? Holy Mother the Church teaches us that<br />

we must pray and sacrifice with her in order to obtain it. Let us place this petition on the paten<br />

which our Lord holds in His hands as He offers Himself with us and for us today. His prayer<br />

will make our petition efficacious with the Father, for during Holy Communion the ardor of<br />

His divine love for the Father will be ours also.<br />

The more intensely and the more purely we love, the more we sanctify Christ in our hearts<br />

and lives, showing forth His nature and His spirit.<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who hast prepared invisible goods for those who love Thee, pour forth Thy love into<br />

our hearts, that loving Thee in all things and above all things, we may be worthy to receive Thy<br />

promises, which exceed all our desires. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Friday<br />

“If therefore thou offer thy gift at the altar, and there thou remember that thy brother hath<br />

anything against thee, leave there thy offering before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to<br />

thy brother; and then coming thou shalt offer thy gift” (Gospel).<br />

“Blessed are the peacemakers” (Mt 5:9). Our Lord and Savior knows no “eye for an eye, and<br />

a tooth for a tooth.” Rather He came into this world as the Prince of Peace. “On earth peace<br />

to men of good will” (Lk 2:14), sang the angels on the holy night of His birth. “Peace be to<br />

you” ( Jn 20:21), He greets His apostles. When leaving this world He leaves His peace with<br />

us. He commands His apostles to bring peace into the houses they enter (Mt 10:12). Their<br />

feet should be “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Eph 6:15). “The peace of<br />

God, which surpasseth all understanding” (Phil 4:7), is the end of their apostolic work. Christ<br />

Himself is the living peace. His soul knows no storms, but only the strong and deep peace of<br />

being safe in God. Even when His enemies speak evil against Him, even when they annoy<br />

Him and offend Him, even when they scourge Him, and crown Him with thorns, and crucify<br />

Him, He is neither excited nor disturbed. His life always is a life of peace. In His presence<br />

turbulent minds grow calm, and even those possessed by evil spirits become peaceful. The<br />

rage of the furious sea subsides in His presence, tears are dried, and even God’s just anger with<br />

the wickedness of humanity is disarmed. His peace-loving soul and His message of peace are<br />

the weapons wherewith He conquers His enemies and protects His followers. How much<br />

injustice they inflicted on Him! With how much evil they pursued Him! What good reason<br />


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