WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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ITEM table<br />

The ITEM table contains the inventory items (Table 6-1).<br />

Table 6-1 ITEM table<br />

Column type Length Nullable Key<br />

ITEM_NUMBER character 5 N Y<br />

ITEM_SHORT_DESC varchar 50 Y N<br />

ITEM_LONG_DESC varchar 150 Y N<br />

QUANTITY integer Y N<br />

PRICE decimal 9,2 Y N<br />

SOTD_FLAG character 1 Y N<br />

CUSTOMER table<br />

The CUSTOMER table contains information about registered customers<br />

(Table 6-2).<br />

Table 6-2 CuSTOMER table<br />

Column type Length Nullable Key<br />

CUSTOMER_ID character 10 N Y<br />

CUSTOMER_NAME varchar 40 Y N<br />

ADDRESS varchar 40 Y N<br />

CITY varchar 40 Y N<br />

STATE character 2 Y N<br />

EMAIL_ADDRESS varchar 20 Y N<br />

PHONE character 10 Y N<br />

CC_TYPE character 2 Y N<br />

CC_NUMBER varchar 20 Y N<br />

ZIP character 5 Y N<br />

INTEREST1 character 1 Y N<br />

INTEREST2 character 1 Y N<br />

PASSWORD character 10 N N<br />

Chapter 6. Accessing databases 165

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