WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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Page designer Struts support<br />

You can set the following Struts-related preferences for the JSP page designer.<br />

Figure 12-6 Struts preferences - Page designer Struts support<br />

► Display error messages for tag<br />

Indicates whether the tag should render error messages. The<br />

error messages displayed are either the default list or the ones specified in<br />

the JSP.<br />

► Error messages to display for tag<br />

Specifies the default error messages to be displayed for tags.<br />

You can override these in each JSP by specifying the keys of error messages<br />

in the application's resource bundle.<br />

► List of options for tag<br />

Specifies the list of options to be rendered for tags.<br />

Chapter 12. Using Struts 395

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