WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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7. Enter the JNDI name in the <strong>WebSphere</strong> Bindings section. This must match<br />

the JNDI name used by the application.<br />

8. Leave the rest as they default and save the configuration.<br />

Figure 6-34 Resource reference for JDBC binding<br />

The source will look like Figure 6-3.<br />

Example 6-3 web.xml resource reference definition<br />

<br />

jdbc/SALESAPP<br />

javax.sql.DataSource<br />

<strong>Application</strong><br />

Shareable<br />

<br />

When the application is installed into a production server using the administrative<br />

console, the administrator will map the resource reference to an existing data<br />

source definition. In the Express test environment, a data source definition must<br />

exist in the server configuration with the same JNDI name.<br />

Chapter 6. Accessing databases 199

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