WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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4. If you want to create the new JSP file with all the defaults, click Finish. The<br />

JSP file will contain the two most frequently used Struts tag-library<br />

declarations but will not contain a form. If you want to change other<br />

information or include a form in the new JSP file, click the Show advanced<br />

options box, and then click Next.<br />

5. In the Tag libraries box on the Tag Libraries page, select the names of any tag<br />

libraries that you want added to the new JSP file. If these are the only tag<br />

libraries you want, click Next.<br />

If you want to add other tag libraries, click Add and complete the following<br />

actions:<br />

a. Click the check box for each tag library you want to add, and choose any of<br />

the available customizations that you want.<br />

b. To specify a tag library that is not in the list, click Import, specify the path<br />

name of a JAR file, and click Finish.<br />

c. Click OK.<br />

6. If you want to remove a tag library from the list on the New JSP File page,<br />

select the name of the library and click Remove.<br />

7. When the Tag libraries list on the New JSP File page is as you want it, click<br />

Next.<br />

8. On the next two New JSP File pages, provide the information requested, and<br />

click Next.<br />

9. If you want to include a form in the new JSP file, complete fields on the Form<br />

Field Selection page:<br />

a. If your application comprises more than one module and you want to<br />

specify a module other than the default, type the path name of the module<br />

in the Form bean module field.<br />

b. In the Form bean entry field, type the name of the entry or select one from<br />

the drop-down list. As you type the entry, the Bean name field is<br />

automatically filled out with the same name for the Java bean.<br />

c. To specify an action to be invoked by the JSP file, type the name of the<br />

action or click Browse.<br />

d. If you selected an existing form bean entry and it references an existing<br />

ActionForm subclass, the Fields list automatically contains the properties<br />

of the ActionForm subclass. You can select which fields you want to<br />

include in your form.<br />

e. Click Next.<br />

Chapter 12. Using Struts 415

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