WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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4. On the Tag Libraries page, you will notice that two tag libraries (html and<br />

bean) have been alreay added for you.<br />

5. Click Add to open the Select a Tag Library dialog. This dialog displays a full<br />

list of all of the tag libraries already included in the project.<br />

Figure 9-2 Included tag libraries<br />

a. You can select a tag library from the list by selecting the check box beside<br />

the taglib entry.<br />

i. Once the tag library is selected, you must specify a Prefix to be used.<br />

ii. Click OK to add the tag library to the list of included tag libraries for<br />

your JSP.<br />

b. If the tag library you want is not displayed in the list, you can click Import<br />

to open the Import JSP Tag Library dialog.<br />

Chapter 9. Using tag libraries 289

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