WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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JSP toolbar menu<br />

The JSP option on the toolbar contains helpful tools to add dynamic content. You<br />

can see the current list of options in Figure 8-2 on page 258. If you select an<br />

option that needs further clarification, such as parameters, a name, options, etc.,<br />

a window will pop up allowing you to enter the necessary information. For<br />

example, if you select Insert Include from the JSP pull-down, you will see a<br />

window (such as Figure 8-3) allowing you to name the file to include and to pass<br />

parameters to it.<br />

Figure 8-3 Inserting a JSP include<br />

The resulting code added to the JSP would look like Example 8-6.<br />

Example 8-6 JSP include code<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For all the options you see, the processing is intelligent. For example, if you<br />

select Insert Results from Bean but have not defined a useBean, then you will<br />

get a message saying that the useBean needs to be defined first.<br />

Content assist<br />

The content assist menu can be used to select code or tags to enter. You can<br />

open the content assist menu by using Ctrl+spacebar, or by right-clicking the<br />

editor window and selecting Content Assist.<br />

Chapter 8. Working with JSPs 259

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!