WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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2. Enter a comment and click OK. If asked if you want to add the resources to<br />

version control, click Yes.<br />

The comment will be shown when you view the history of resources<br />

committed with this action. If, for example, you are committing a project, you<br />

might want to add a comment like Bug 0010 fixed in HTML files. If you are<br />

committing an individual HTML or JSP file, you might want to add a comment<br />

like Changed to use session attributes vs request parameters. The<br />

comment should give you an idea of what happened in the revision.<br />

If you are using the Synchronize view, you will notice that the entries in the<br />

Outgoing view will disappear since they are no longer conflicting with the<br />

repository.<br />

3. Close the Synchronize view and switch to the CVS Repository Exploring<br />

perspective to view the repository. You should now be able to see the Web<br />

project and its resources under the HEAD branch. You may need to use the<br />

refresh button ( ) to see the updates<br />

15.4.3 Creating a version<br />

Tip: If you are using the Team menu in the Project Navigator and you have<br />

added resources since a previous commit, you will have to take an<br />

additional step before you can commit: Select the new resource, right-click,<br />

and select Team -> Add to version control.<br />

You will know that you need to do this because the option to commit will be<br />

grayed out in the menu. In addition, a reminder is added to the Tasks view<br />

when you add a resource.<br />

It does not hurt to spot check the CVS repository to make sure you are<br />

copying all the resources you intend to. If they are missing from the<br />

repository, go back and add them to version control.<br />

The last step in sharing a project is to create a base version.<br />

Note: Versions are a snapshot of the state of a project at a given time. They<br />

are not modifiable but are used as a reference point when comparing code or<br />

as a starting point for development.<br />

Chapter 15. Development in a team environment 525

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