WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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10.1.2 Well-formed XML documents<br />

Although XML does not have any predefined tags, there are certain rules that<br />

each XML document has to follow in order to be well formed. By definition, if a<br />

document is not well formed, it is not XML. The rules are:<br />

► Tags cannot be inferred; they must be explicit.<br />

► A document must contain one root element.<br />

► All beginning tags and ending tags match up.<br />

► Empty tags must end with />.<br />

► Tags must nest correctly.<br />

► An entity cannot contain a reference to itself.<br />

► Entities must be declared before they are used.<br />

► Element names are case sensitive.<br />

► All attribute values must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.<br />

► No attribute may appear more than once on the same start tag or empty tag.<br />

Note: Similar rules exist for HTML; the XHTML specification defines them.<br />

However, HTML browsers also accept HTML documents that are not well<br />

formed.<br />

10.1.3 Document type definitions (DTDs)<br />

Well-formed documents offer many of the advantages of XML, such as<br />

extensibility and adding structure to a set of data. However, exchanging<br />

information through XML documents requires additional functionality: It must be<br />

possible to build a common grammar for a set of documents and to check<br />

compliance automatically.<br />

Document type definitions (DTDs) address these needs. A DTD defines:<br />

► The allowed sequence and nesting of tags<br />

► Elements and their attributes including multiplicity<br />

► Attribute values and their types and defaults<br />

► Entities and notation<br />

DTDs express meta-information about a document's content. With a DTD, an<br />

XML parser can verify the DTD compliance of an XML document. A DTD can be<br />

used in one or more XML documents.<br />

Document types can be declared externally:<br />

<br />

Or internally:<br />

<br />

Chapter 10. Working with XML 313

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