WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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2.4.2 Servlets<br />

► request<br />

► response<br />

► pageContext<br />

► session<br />

► application<br />

► out<br />

► config<br />

► page<br />

► exception<br />

Java servlets are Java alternatives to Common Gateway Interface (CGI)<br />

programs. As with CGI programs, Java servlets can respond to user events from<br />

an HTML request, and then dynamically construct an HTML response that is sent<br />

back to the client. Java servlets have the following advantages over traditional<br />

CGI programs:<br />

► Java-based<br />

Because Java servlets are written in Java, they inherit all the benefits of the<br />

Java technologies.<br />

► Persistence and performance<br />

A servlet is loaded once by a Web server and invoked for each client request.<br />

Java servlets do not incur the overhead of instantiating a new servlet with<br />

each request. CGI processes typically must be loaded with each invocation.<br />

Java servlets can work better than CGI programs, especially for business logic<br />

and control flow.<br />

However, for a servlet to return an HTML page to a browser, it must output HTML<br />

from within the Java code. A Java programmer has to write many out.println<br />

statements to return the HTML. This mixes the roles of the content developer and<br />

the Java programmer, even limiting the usefulness of content-authoring tools.<br />

Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages were developed to address the problem of writing HTML<br />

statements in Java source code.<br />

2.4.3 Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages<br />

Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages are an HTML extension for doing server-side scripting in Web<br />

pages. Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages are similar to HTML files, but provide the ability to<br />

display dynamic content within Web pages. Here are some of the advantages of<br />

using Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages technology over other methods of dynamic content<br />

creation:<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>Application</strong> design 33

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