WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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In fact, in <strong>WebSphere</strong>’s JSP implementation, the foo.jsp file is translated into two<br />

files: A .java file containing the Java code for the servlet, and a .dat file containing<br />

the static elements of the JSP. The .dat file actually contains a serialized array of<br />

byte arrays, with each byte array containing the static page elements before the<br />

next JSP tag. The .java file is then compiled to create a .class file, which<br />

represents the compiled servlet.<br />

The .class and .dat files are stored on the file system. The .java file may or may<br />

not be retained after the translation stage. This translation phase is performed<br />

once per JSP. If a compiled class file already exists on the file system, then the<br />

request for the JSP proceeds directly to phase 2.<br />

Phase 2: Request processing<br />

Phase 2 represents the actual invocation of the compiled servlet—the JSP page<br />

implementation class—to provide a response to the initial request.<br />

For Request 1, this phase is entered immediately after phase 1. If the servlet is<br />

not already loaded, it is brought into memory and the request serviced.<br />

For Request 2, the Web container knows of the existence of an already compiled<br />

servlet class loaded in memory, and directly services the request.<br />

By default, the JSP implementation in <strong>WebSphere</strong> also checks the source .jsp<br />

file for changes. If it has been modified it will enter the translation phase. Each<br />

subsequent request is handled by the servlet until the servlet is unloaded from<br />

memory, for instance, when the application server is stopped. This load/service<br />

request/unload life cycle is exactly the same as for servlets.<br />

8.1.2 Syntax for coding Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages<br />

Java<strong>Server</strong> Pages can be coded using two alternative methods: JSP syntax or<br />

XML syntax. The two cannot be mixed within a page. Beginning with JSP 1.2,<br />

JSP pages written in XML (referred to as JSP documents) can be delivered to the<br />

Web container for processing.<br />

The traditional JSP syntax looks like that shown in Example 8-1.<br />

Example 8-1 JSP syntax<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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