WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Application Server - IBM Redbooks


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Invoking the taglib within the application<br />

To continue the example of the hello tag, we have seen that the tag accepts one<br />

attribute, called name. The syntax of the tag is:<br />

<br />

The code used to invoke the tag is shown in Example 9-5. First, the taglib is<br />

declared with a taglib directive, giving it a prefix, book, which we will use to<br />

identify the tags. Then the prefix is used to invoke the taglib function.<br />

Example 9-5 Simple custom tag example: helloSample.html<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Simple custom tag example<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Simple custom tag example.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The result of executing the HTML is shown in Figure 9-1.<br />

Figure 9-1 Simple custom tag example: Results<br />

Chapter 9. Using tag libraries 287

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