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Italian Index: rhythmical-prosodic analysis of Italian L2<br />

spoken by Albanian, Polish and Romanian speakers<br />

Romito, Luciano; Tarasi, Andrea; Lio, Rosita<br />

Laboratorio di Fonetica, Università della Calabria; Università di Salerno<br />

Today, south Italy represents the area of first entry for many migrants who<br />

move to the North afterwards. The acquisition of phonetic and phonological<br />

(suprasegmental) features of a foreign language (L2) is a notable difficulty for<br />

any speaker, indeed, often who shows a well linguistic proficiency in several<br />

levels, like syntactic or lexical levels, can be anyway identifies as a foreign<br />

talker, since his speech contains information which belong to a phonological<br />

and prosodic system different compared to the level of the mother tongue (L1).<br />

For this reason prosodic competence is, in many cases, more decisive then the<br />

syntactic and lexical, as it allows the identification of the phonological system<br />

and linguistic competence of a speaker then to a specific language.<br />

Furthermore, the prosody depends on the correct interpretation of the meaning<br />

and function of the utterance. Just this feature is one of the main problems with<br />

speech recognition system.<br />

The automatic Speech Recognition systems such as telephone directories in a<br />

car, are normally developed for the first language. Then, the listener is able to<br />

understand if some features can be considered as factors of variability within<br />

the execution of a native speaker (considering the Italian diatopically variability)<br />

or if they indicate the foreign origin of the speaker. This highlights the<br />

importance of suprasegmentals information in verbal communication that<br />

accompany the message.<br />

There are also systems for Speaker Recognition, for example, LADO Language<br />

Analysis and contra-expertise in the Dutch asylum procedure (Maaike Verrips,<br />

IJSLL 2010:279-294), LOID Linguistic Origin Identification (Border Police -<br />

Svezia) which are used indiscriminately on comparisons between Italian L1/L2<br />

and through acoustic analysis they can verify the actual L1 of a speaker.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

In this research, the Corpus will be used is Pangea (Cfr. Romito & Talarico<br />

2010).<br />

Pangea is a corpus linguistic codes containing L1 and L2 Italian. The languages<br />

considered for the construction of the corpus are currently: Chinese, Romanian,<br />

Polish, Albanian and Arbëreshe. These languages where considered taking in<br />

to account the new migration on ISTAT data. This corpus consists of twenty<br />

five speakers of different sex, school grade and age. They live in Calabria at<br />

least two years. Speakers have read a list of sentences in Italian (L2) and their<br />

L1 and have produced at least three minutes of spontaneous speech in Italian<br />

and in their L1. In addition, we created a reference sample consisting of Italian<br />

speakers where born and living in Calabria. The analysis will be performed on<br />

spontaneous speech.<br />

The recording were made in the silent room Amplifon 2*2 of the Laboratory of<br />

Phonetics of University of Calabria.<br />

o The characteristics studied are Articulation Rate (VDA) which is<br />

considered as a specific language parameter (Cfr. Caldognetto & Vagges 1991,<br />


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