ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org

ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org

ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org


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Bibliografia1. Dobois G.J., Kirschbaum B., Choi K.E.: The Western model of integrative oncology - thecontribution of Chinese medicine, Chin. J Integr. Med., <strong>2012</strong>, 18(9):643-651.ii Dubois G., Tao I.: The model of Western integrative medicine: the role of Chinese medicine,Chin. J Integr. Med., 2011, 17(1):11-20.iii Anshen S.: Essentials of Chinese Medicine: Internal Medicine, Ed. Redwing Book Company, NewYork, 2011.iv Zhu Y.P., Woerdenbag H.J.: Traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Pharm. World Sci.,1995,17(4):103-112.v Griffin R.J. Jr.: Herbal medicine revisited: science looks anew at ancient Chinese pharmacology,Am. Pharm., 1979, 19(10):16-22.vi Lasagna L.: Herbal pharmacology and medical therapy in the People's Republic of China, Ann.Intern. Med., 1975, 83(6):887-893.vii Eisenberg D.M., Harris E.S., Littlefield B.A. et al.: Developing a library of authenticatedTraditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) plants for systematic biological evaluation--rationale,methods and preliminary results from a Sino-American collaboration, Fitoterapia, 2011, 82(1):17-33.viii Xinnong C., Wang H., Zhui B.: Basic of TCM, Ed. Redwing Book Company, Ney York, 2010.ix Porckert M.: Essentials of Chinese Diagnostics, Ed. Acta Medica Sinensis, New York, 2005.x Chen P.: Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ed. Redwing Book Company, New York, 2004.xi Zhang L., Yan J., Liu X., Ye Z., Yang X., Meyboom R., Chan K., Shaw D., Duez P.: Pharmacovigilancepractice and risk control of Traditional Chinese Medicine drugs in China: current status and futureperspective, J Ethnopharmacol., <strong>2012</strong> ,140(3):519-525.xii Chan K., Shaw D., Simmonds M.S., Leon C.J., Xu Q., Lu A., Sutherland I., Ignatova S., Zhu Y.P.,Verpoorte R., Williamson E.M., Duez P.: Good practice in reviewing and publishing studies onherbal medicine, with special emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese materiamedica, J Ethnopharmacol., <strong>2012</strong>, 140(3):469-475.13.xiii Di Stanislao C. (coord.): Libro Bianco sull’agopuntura e le alter terapie della tradizione orientale,Ed. SIA-CEA, Milano, 2000.14.xiv Dobos G.J., Tan L., Cohen M.H., McIntyre M., Bauer R., Li X., Bensoussan A.: Are national qualitystandards for traditional Chinese herbal medicine sufficient? Current governmental regulationsfor traditional Chinese herbal medicine in certain Western countries and China as the Easternorigin country, Complement. Ther. Med., 2005, 13(3):183-190.15.xv Shu-de J.: Case Studies on Pattern Identification, Ed. Redwing Book Company, New York, 2011.16.xvi Fei L., Ru-ji C., Qiao-ling F.: Applications of Chinese Formula Compatibility, ed. Redwing BookCompany, Ney Uork, 2008.17.xvii Favalli R.: La cefalea (tou tong) in Medicina Tradizionale Cinese. Diagnosi e terapia,http://www1.popolis.it/umab/uploaddocumenti/2008/3_160_DBUFBUDHAASM.pdf., 2008.18.xviii Wang Y.Y.: TCM Internal Medicine, Ed. Shabnghai Thecnology Press, Shanghai, 2005.19.xix Di Stanislao C.: Le metafore del corpo: dal simbolo alla terapia. Percorsi integrati di medicinanaturale, Ed. CEA, Milano, 2004.20.xx Maclean W., Lyttleton J.: Clinican Handbook Internal Medicine, Voll I-III, Redwing BookCompany, New York, 1999-2009.21.xxi Yuen J.C.: Western Diseases in TCM, Ed. Swedischi Institute of Oriental Meduicine, New York,1995.22.xxii Jing Zou X., Hui De J.: Clinical Manual of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, Ed.Redwing Book Company, New York, 2009.23.xxiii Zhen H., Fei-xia D.: Clinical Reasoning in Chinese Medicine, Ed. Redwing Book Company, NewYork, 2009.146

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