ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org

ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org

ANNO XVI – N. 63 – Dicembre 2012 - Agopuntura.org


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1) A A VV : Cancer i n Tradi ti onal Chi nese Merdi ci ne, Ed. Hai FengPubl ishi ng H ous e, Hong K ong, 1 980.2) Decheng C.: 100 Di s eases Treated by Si ngle Poi nt ofA cupunc ture M oxibus ti on, Ed. Forei n Li nguages Pres s, Bei jimng,2001.3) Efferth T., Li T.C.H ., Vent aka S . et al .: Fromt raditional Chinesemedi ci ne to rati onal c ancer therapy, Trend i nMul ecul ar Medi cine, 2 07, 1 3 (1 ): 353–3<strong>63</strong>4) Fei , X., and Ji anhua M.: A cupuncture and Moxi bustion, Ed. IOSPress, New York, 2000.5) H anks A.: Canc er and Tradi ti onal Chi nese Medi cine: Treati ngt he S ide Eff ects of Chemotherapy a nd R adi ati on wi th Tradi ti onalChi nese Herbs, Ed. Ea stl and Pres s, S eattl e, 2000 .6) H uang -f u M.: The Sys temati c Cl as si c of Ac upunctur e a ndMoxi bustion: Hua ng-Ti Chen Chi u Chi a I Chi ng (Ji a Yi Ji ng, Ed .Blue Poppy Press , Boul ter, 2004.7) Ki nnong C.: Chi nes e Ac up unc tur e and Moxi bus ti onEd. Chi naBooks and P eri odicals, Bei jing, 2000.8) L ee, M. S ., K ang , J. W., Er ns t, E.: Does moxi bustion work? Anov ervi ew of sys tematic revi ews, BMC Res earch Not es, 2010 3 :284-290.9) Mi ng W., Fl ows B.: A cupuncture & Moxi bus ti on Formulas &Trea tments (Grea t Masters Seri es ), Ed. Bl ue P oppy Press ,Boul ter, 1996.10) Wilcox L.: Moxi busti on:A Moder n Cl i nic al Handbook, Ed. Bl uePoppy Press , Boul ter, 2 009.11) Yongqi ang C.: Chi nes e A cup unctur e and Moxi bustion, Ed. Chi naPubl ishi ng and Tr ading, Beijing, 1 993.12) Zmi ewski P., Fielt R.: Ac umoxa Therapy: A R eferenc e and S tudyGui de,Voll I-II, Ed. Paradigm Publicati ons, Brookl yne, 1 989.73

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