Pokaż treść! - Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

Pokaż treść! - Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

Pokaż treść! - Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

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376 Czêœæ trzecia: Wieloœæ przestrzeni wspó³czesnego teatruki wabi¹ duchy” 36 . Czy jednak „nowe” formy teatru, zw³aszcza wirtualnego,pomagaj¹ w zrozumieniu samego siebie? Czy tworzone sztucznie przestrzeniepozwalaj¹ na uwalnianie siê energii œwiata? Pytania te pozostaj¹otwarte.Jednak¿e przygnêbiaj¹cy obraz, jaki ukazuje Baudrillard, uproszczoneji sprowadzonej do fraktalnoœci sztuki teatru mo¿na nieco rozjaœniæ myœl¹o drodze poszukiwania punktu wyjœcia czy punktu centralnego wyra¿aj¹cegojak¹œ ideê, wokó³ której mo¿na zbudowaæ obraz. Sam Baudrillardpozostawia równie¿ pewne otwarte okno na ów obraz, pisz¹c: „OdnaleŸæobraz jako punkt, w którym skupia siê œwiat³o przedmiotu i œwiat³ospojrzenia” 37 .36Ibidem.37J. Baudrillard: Pakt jasnoœci..., s. 86.Monika Miczka-PajestkaConstructing a place in a virtual spaceLooking for a starting pointin the postmodern theatreSummaryThe article raises the issue of building, constructing and simulating a place inthe virtual space which, in the postmodern times, has become a theatrical space, too.It discusses, among other things, diffusion of space and subject participating in it, aswell as a technology of experience (VR), text, hyper-textual narration, coded picture,three-dimensional character, etc. What was discussed in a broader way included theissue of the subject participation in the virtual theatre, means of plunge, immersion,and the problem of delocalization, manifested via ‘non-places’ described by Paul Virilioor, as Jean Baudrillard has it, the ‘places of disappearance’. References were made tosome postmodern conceptions treating VR as the ‘place’ of event degradation, and someimportant laboratory and non-laboratory examples of creating art in the virtual world.Reflections concentrated on the question if it is at all possible to talk about a scenic place inthe virtual space. Also, the importance of some notions was underlined, among thembeing ‘delocalization’, ‘diffusion’, ‘multi-dimension’, ‘absence’, or ‘interaction immediateness’.The text constitutes an attempt to consider the problem of theatre existence andrelativity connected with it, in a fractal space, made in view of the openness of a postmoderndiscourse.

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