Post 2015: Global Action for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future

Post 2015: Global Action for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future

Post 2015: Global Action for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future


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PSG peace-building <strong>an</strong>d state-building goal<br />

RBA results-based approach<br />

RBSC rol<strong>an</strong>d berger Strategy consult<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

RCP regional consultative process<br />

REC regional economic community<br />

RoO rules of origin<br />

RPF rw<strong>an</strong>da patriotic Front<br />

SAWTEE South asia Watch on trade, Economics <strong>an</strong>d Environment<br />

SDG <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development Goal<br />

SDR Special drawing rights<br />

SIA sustainability impact assessment<br />

SIDS Small Isl<strong>an</strong>d Developing States<br />

SME Small <strong>an</strong>d medium-sized enterprises<br />

SOE State-owned enterprise<br />

SSA sub-Sahar<strong>an</strong> africa<br />

SSC South-South cooperation<br />

SVE small vulnerable economy<br />

SWAp Support <strong>for</strong> sector-wide approach<br />

SWF Sovereign wealth fund<br />

TB tuberculosis<br />

TMP temporary migration programme<br />

TNC tr<strong>an</strong>snational corporation<br />

TPM tr<strong>an</strong>sfer price m<strong>an</strong>ipulation<br />

TVET technical <strong>an</strong>d vocational education <strong>an</strong>d training<br />

U5MR under-five mortality rate<br />

UDHR universal Declaration of Hum<strong>an</strong> rights<br />

UMICs upper-middle-income countries<br />

UN united nations<br />

UNCTAD united nations conference on trade <strong>an</strong>d Development<br />

UNDESA united nations Department of Economic <strong>an</strong>d Social affairs<br />

UNDP united nations Development programme<br />

UNEP united nations Environment programme<br />

UNFCCC united nations Framework convention on climate ch<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

UNFPA united nations population Fund<br />

USA united States of america<br />

WBGU Wissenschaftlicher beirat der bundesregierung <strong>Global</strong>e umweltveränderungen<br />

WBIF Western balk<strong>an</strong>s Investment Framework<br />

WDR World Development report<br />

WEF World Economic Forum<br />

WTO World trade org<strong>an</strong>ization<br />

poSt-<strong>2015</strong>: <strong>Global</strong> actIon For <strong>an</strong> IncluSIvE <strong>an</strong>D SuStaInablE FuturE<br />


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