I527-290 ESRIF Final Report (WEB).indd - European Commission

I527-290 ESRIF Final Report (WEB).indd - European Commission

I527-290 ESRIF Final Report (WEB).indd - European Commission


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IT Initial Tranche<br />

JLS Justice, Liberty, Security<br />

JSCP Joint Security Capability Plan<br />

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation<br />

PCRD Programme-Cadre de Recherche et de Développement<br />

PMS Permanent Member State<br />

RELEX Relations Extérieures (External Relations)<br />

SDR Software Defined Radio<br />

SESAR Single <strong>European</strong> Sky ATM Research Programme<br />

SIS Schengen Information System<br />

SRP Security Research Plan<br />

STANAG Standardisation Agreement<br />

TRL Technology Readiness Level<br />

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle<br />

WG Working Group<br />

Working Group 11: Human and Societal Dynamics of Security<br />

Policy References<br />

BERNHARD Christiane: Public private dialogue in security research. Directorate General Internal Policies of the<br />

Union. Policy Department C.<br />

BOIN Arjen, ‘THART Paul, STERN Eric, SUNDELIUS Bengt: The Politics of Crisis Management; Public Leadership<br />

under Pressure, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.<br />

BOIN Arjen, MCCONNELL Allan, THART Paul ´: Governing after Crisis; The Politics of Investigation,<br />

Accountability and Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.<br />

BUZAN Barry, Ole Waever, Jepp de Wilde: Security: a new framework for analysis, London: Lynne Rienner, 1998.<br />

DAVID Charles-Philippe, and Jean-Jacques ROCHE: Théories De La Sécurité. Définitions, Approches Et Concepts<br />

De La Sécurite Internationale. Paris: Montchrestien, 2002.<br />

FREY B.: Blood and Ink: The Common-interest Game Between Terrorists and the Media Public Choice, 2007.<br />

FREY B.: Protecting Cultural Monuments Against Terrorism. Defence and Peace Economics, 2007.<br />

GIBSON Ed: “Tales of Two Cities - the Administrative Facade of Social Security.” Administration & Society 35, no.<br />

4 (2003): 408-37.<br />

HAMILTON Donald, SUNDELIUS Bengt, GRONVALL Jesper: Protecting the Homeland: <strong>European</strong> Approaches to<br />

Societal Security, Washington, D.C., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.<br />

JOHANSSON Anna C. H, SVEDUNG Inge, and ANDERSSON Ragnar: “Management of Risks”<br />

MØLLER Bjørn: “Freshwater Sources, Security and Conflict: An Overview of Linkages.”Copenhagen: DIIS, 2004.<br />

NAJAM Adil: “The Human Dimensions of Environmental Insecurity: Some Insights from South Asia.” ECSP<br />

report, no. 9 (2003): 59–73.<br />

PARTHASARATHI A.: “Science and Its Applications to Societal Security.” Current Science 87, no. 9 (2004): 1174-<br />

75.<br />

Societal Planning - an Analysis of Scope and Variety of Health, Safety and Security IssuesMunicipality Plan<br />

Documents.” Safety Science 44, no. 8 (2006): 675-88.<br />

TURNER Barry, Nic Pidgeon: Man-made Disasters, London; Butterworth Heinemann, 1997.<br />

WILDAVSKY Aaron: Searching for Safety, Berkeley; University of California Press, 1988.<br />


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