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~~~~~ ~ ,~<br />


form, must surely oa linguistic groundr be regarded as<br />

ii post~eniiic work, and we shall see later that, even if<br />

it is to some extent based on an earlier foik-story, the<br />

skill of the artist has enabled him so to expand, to I<br />

enrich, and to fiise his material that if is virtually all<br />

his own work, and thnt a Inter editor has only touched I<br />

the proper names and appended the genealogy.<br />

Wellhausen is of opinion that the most important sign (<br />

of date is the genealogy of Dwid (Ruth 418~12, cp I Ch.<br />

The names of the ancestors<br />

+, aeneal ow,<br />

of<br />

~IO-L~).<br />

Dwid were known ns fur as Bouz.<br />

Then memory failed. and a leap w;ri made in I Ch. 2rx<br />

Ruth 4 %~ to Snlma (in Ruth, Salmon), who, in r Ch.<br />

29. is called ,the father of Bethlehem.' But Snlma<br />

belongs to the same group as Cnleb, Abi, and Hur.<br />

and, 'if anything is certain, it is thir-that in the olden<br />

times the Cvlibbitrr dwelt in the S. and not in the N.<br />

of J"%h, and that David in particu!ar by his birth<br />

belonged. not to them, but to the older part of Ismel,<br />

which gravitated in the opposite direction to Israel<br />

proper, and stood in the closest connection with Ren-<br />

jamin., Cvelihauren add5 that 'of the other members<br />

of the genealogy Nahshon and Amminadab are princes<br />

of Judah in P, is,hilrt Ram ir the firstborn of Hezron<br />

(I Ch. 225). and by the meaning of his name ('the high<br />

one') is, iike Abmm, qualified to be the starting~point<br />

of the princely line.' On the other hand, Sam, only<br />

That the genealogy war borrowed from Chronicles and<br />

added to Ruth by a later hand srenls certain, for the<br />

author of Ruth clearly recogrlirer thnt 'Obrd was legally<br />

the son of Mahlon, not of Roaz' (lira). [Driver, too,<br />

remarks (fnirod161 qjj) that the genealogy 'may well<br />

have been added long after the book itself was written,'<br />

and, iike Konig (187). leaves out of the linguistic data<br />

for the zolutton of the problem of age, t8i&fafh and<br />

hg/i,i, which are churacieristic of P in the Pentateuch<br />

(CP GENEALOCZES i.. 5 I). Bertheau, Kuenen, and<br />

Budde adhere to the view that the closing section is an<br />

inteeral ~oifion of the book. But swelrl, if the author<br />

e . ,.<br />

hid given a genealogy, he would hare traced it through<br />

Mahlon. The existence, however, 01 the genealogy<br />

5"-L-ests - - the oosrihilitv that t,vo vie,,.s of the descent of<br />

D;:d \sere &rent, inr of which traced him to Perez<br />

by bluhlon, and the other to the same Perez by Boaz.<br />

[VJe have arrived nt this point without having been<br />

ohheed to interfere with the traditional texr. It is, however,<br />

necessa~y to take that step if we would<br />

6,<br />

obtain a more complete comprehension of<br />

names. the narrative and of its hirtorical ori~in.<br />

That Ruth, as it now stands, is a post-exilic wori is<br />

certain ; we must therefore examine the text in connection<br />

with fkcf of other nor less certainly port-exilic<br />

rrarkr, in the study of which we have already reached<br />

rcsults irhich. though in points of detail subject to<br />

revision, yet on the whole seem to throw conriderable<br />

light on ancient editorial processes. We shall thus<br />

find revon to rusprct that the personal and grugraphical<br />

names in the Book of Ruth (11-4.7) were<br />

not altogether originally as they now stand.<br />

Hethlehem-iudsh. ss in the rtrrneerlorieraooended to ludecr.<br />

, ~~~~<br />


'Ephrath' itself (like the 'Perrth' of Jer. 144.7) 15 yossibly a<br />

mutilntcd form of ZaxE:HarH [p.v.l, and 'Moab, may bc<br />

a rubsrirure fur 'Jli$rur (cp hl"*", g in), r reglo" ro the<br />

S. of the ounrry calledSrrepiiathite or Ephrzrhite. Liimeiech,<br />

Mrhlon, and Chilion-the two latter of which ha>" bccrl ru<br />

fatally misunderstood as if !hey ,vere rymbalical names-are<br />

no douhr clm-namc; (or dlfferent forms of the rarne dnnname)<br />

dcrircd from the great eihnic ?:me, Jeiahmeel:<br />

'Orprh,' has ~ ~ ~ arlrcn + h by l ~ 'mernthcns from 'Ophrah<br />

-s.r. Ephralh: Ruth (Rr'uih, cp Perh.) is pro!rbly the<br />

fern, 'or KC." (~~~.11~8$!, which ir equluaicnt to<br />

Kc'uel; now Re'uel s prsrr m Gen 384 as r run of Erau, md<br />

hir name is most progably a dinor;ion of Jcrahmeel, a name<br />

which in its various broken forms =Itached lfself to different N.<br />

Arabizn clans. Nnomi(No'omi)ir doubrlerr conn~credwith the<br />

clm-namc~Nn'ami Pir'rmnni.' '~uar'(ly~)islc\irr~nsp~~~~t:<br />

hence Stucken and \Vinckler do not heritare lo identify the<br />

original Boa? with amylhological figure. But file place of the<br />

bearer of rh~r name m the genealopy, - well as in rhr story uf<br />

Ruth,rhuwl,hnf he toomar havcaclan-name.* 2nd remember.<br />

ing the 'Ezbi'(.=>n) of r Ch. 1137, which corrcspo~!di lo '31.~<br />

(MT) or rather i,,n (CP BQ*) in 2S.2335-ir., to .IKc~..<br />

'* leiahme'&.' . . we mslv rescore rr rhe arieiwl name mr. - ><br />

'Arch.<br />

my, 'Obcd,' too, ir probably by m~ratherir from >!Y, Arabia.8<br />

The statement of the narrator then, if the present<br />

writer's conjectures are sound, amounts to this-that o<br />

member of a Jerahmrelite clan who belonged to Beth~<br />

jerahmcei (in the Ncgeb) removed with his ttn!ily,<br />

under the pressure of famine, into the land of Missur,<br />

arid sojourned there for about ten years. This agrees<br />

with the original form of the story in Gen. 12 ros.<br />

to which Abram (='father of Jerahmeel')<br />

removed from the same cause from the Jerahmeelite<br />

country to Mi~ur<br />

OT Mirrim (see MLZXAIM, g 26).<br />

Another pa7alicl story is that of the Shunrmm.ite womm who<br />

was wsrned by Eiirha of the ap roach of r iam%c!e and went ta<br />

the land of the 'Phiiirilnes'(? R. 8 1.3): the original nor)., the<br />

pmmt wrirrr thinks (cp Saaurm), reprcsen~d hcr as r dweller<br />

I, the Jerahmerlire Nc eb (?till in Isr=el~t~rh occupation), and<br />

as in? father S. to ge lind of Sz~repl~arh (in r wide rense<br />

05 the phrue).<br />

Nor was it only famine that drove dwellers in the<br />

Uegeb to the neighburinglandof Mibsur. The original<br />

text of I s. 22, f seems to have represented Unvid as<br />

placing his father and mother under the protecrion of<br />

the king of Mi+r at Sarephath (see MIZPPH, 3), while<br />

he w;ls himself a wanderer in the land of Jerahmrel,<br />

and there is, in the present writer's opinion. hardly<br />

room for doubt that Uarid lived it), or close to, the<br />

Je~nhmeelit~ Negeh (see NECEB, 5 3. and note 3), and<br />

had strong Jernhmeelite (and Mirrite) affinities. The<br />

latter parrage is specially innportant, because the astensible<br />

ohiect of the writer of Ruth is to prove the descent<br />

of David from a noble-minded Mirrite woman.' It<br />

. . . .<br />

portion of .\lisrui which lay nearest to and included the<br />

city of Sarephnth-war the locality to which Elimelech<br />

and his family repaired. But the connection of Sare-<br />

~hath with ~ases. with the 1,evires. and apparently with<br />

ihe prophets, conjectured by the preseii writer (see<br />

MOSES, 5 q; PROPHECY, 5 6), makes if reem to him<br />

not improbable thnt the narrator had this place or<br />

district in his mind. and in 412 the kindly wish is erpressed<br />

that the house of Hoaz might he like the houre<br />

of. Peres' (from ' Sorephath '?) whom Tamw (=Jerahmeelitli?)<br />

bore to Judah.<br />

, :,, :,'.-': uc,,e,<br />

1 >I 20) I,*., ,.,.,,v .I., ,am,.?: -.,>p..,<br />

m.1. ,.em ,.~,,A. I, i \. .\,',I 8 :. V

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