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with the devil.<br />

Nor yet even among Christians war any, such eltimate put<br />

"PO" him at ro date a3 in the aposlollo age ; he acquxrcd<br />

it by the enhanced 3mportance which camc to he attached to<br />

him thl.oueh the romznce of which he war the hero. Thus if<br />

Simon rh&ld be mesnr we should have to reject ax too eslly<br />

,he dating of Preuwhen, who underitandl b the three men<br />

who destroy mome (v. 51%) ~r~br, otho, and Cin~~iur (68 and<br />

6g A,!.) qnd by the fire from heaven (u 53%) !he eruption of<br />

Veruv~us m 79 A,". Moreover rhe second darlng cancels the<br />

firrt: for that Grlba, Orha, and Viteiliur had dcrtroycd Rome<br />

could no longer he believed aft~r 69 A.D. GelTcken (TU23r<br />

p. who agrees with Jelicher uregardr Simon Mngur,<br />

~ud~ctoudy leaves the date undetermined. Yet it is altogcrher<br />

W""g to rake uu, 36-9. or even w. 16-92 nr a unity. I"<br />

the pusage before !,r the destructlo" of the wail$ by fire is<br />

predlsted as romcthlng new no less than three ilmcs (53-6r,<br />

,I-,+, 8487); and moreover the destruction of Rome by !he<br />

three mcn just referred to follows upon the reign dthe Merq~ah<br />

over all the earth (46.52). whilst of course it must have preceded<br />

it, and the reign of the widow over ihc world follows npon the<br />

destruction of the world together with Beliar and his follovcrr<br />

by fire (71.7,)~ and also u on the dertmstion of Rome by the<br />

three men already rc1ated)in;. ;I/, which would he equally<br />

inappropriate whether the widow be taken ar meining fhc<br />

widow C1roprtra or Rome. Thur only w 63-74 come into<br />

account as a unity for our present dirsusslon.<br />

(6) Simon the Magician has been detected in the<br />

'other bezt' of Rev. 13rr.17 (which in 161~ 1 9 2010 ~<br />

is called the 'false prophet') in recent years by Spitta<br />

(Oflnd. d loh., 1889, pp. 380-385) and Erber (Offenb.<br />

Joh., 189r. pp. 25-27). Thb identification may in some<br />

measure suit the wonderful works which are attributed<br />

to this beast in 13rj-rja. But it no way suits the regard<br />

for the worship of the Emperor in w. I2lid, and the<br />

exclilsion of those who have not the mark of the beast<br />

on hand or forehead from the buying and selling, unless<br />

we choose to suppore that the figure of Simon furnished<br />

merely the outlines for this second kart which were<br />

filled in by the author with essentially new features.<br />

Still less havc Volkmai(Cumm. e. OJnnd.Iah., 1862, p<br />

2x3, Ulom (ThT 1884, pp. 175-181) and Kappcler<br />


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