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political imporrancc has bcen vary nluch exaggerated.<br />

9. Politioal .4lre.1cly in r K. [j,] we find the<br />

extent of his kingdom idenliscd as ,hat<br />

of David had been. It is not difficult to<br />

nccounf for this. The gragmphical statement in 424<br />

[jr].~risrr<br />

simply fcom a mlnntrrpretariun of ,?? (niihur)<br />

in a. 11 [6r]. which really means thc 'nibrl Miyrim,'<br />

but war supposed to mean the Euphrates.' Later<br />

ages went farther in the sac& course, aoii in Prs. 45<br />

72 (the latter of which, however, hnr received a<br />

later insertion) his hie furnishes the framework for<br />

ilicturei of the \Lrsrinnic king Against this idealisation<br />

thc redactor of ECCLESIASTES (,. uu) . in his own<br />

,vsy protests.<br />

\Vc now turn to Solomon'r religious position. TYaa<br />

he a polytheist? Did he ever, as \Y. E. Barnes<br />

1 Haitings. oB2~1.b) rxpressesit. 'pntronire<br />

lo, Not foreign worship?' An affirmative answer is<br />

PalflAeist. suggested by I K. 11.-s. TI is plain, how<br />

ever, from 6's text, as well as from the phenomena of<br />

hlr, that the original h a been much expanded by<br />

latiter hands from r religious motive.' There war no<br />

bad faith in thir ; the later writers simply refart history<br />

in the light of certain fundamental principles-those of<br />

Ueurrrvnomy (cp KINGS [BOOK], 4 6). And their<br />

procedure appe~rr more startling than it really was,<br />

owing to the fact that the ethriic names and the names<br />

of the gods have been accidentaliy corrupted. The<br />

original statement probably war that which underlies<br />

11,. 'Then did Solomon build a sanctuary for the god<br />

of Cusham and Jer+s~eel'-i.c, for his Misrite wife;<br />

this probably stood in connection with the account of<br />

Solomon's marriage (cp 1631-33).<br />

varions commentr oil this were inserted in the margin, and<br />

introduced by the redactor or redrccorr inco the text l.anly,<br />

sorrllpliu"~iiinif"rnled 'the god ufcushsm' into 'Chemoah the<br />

god (abommnrlon) of Moab,' and 'Jerah,m~el'into'Qrilcom rhe<br />

(ahom~nnt~on) of the b'tlc Ammon. In whar is now% r,<br />

eini~meel~re. Alirrite. Rehohochite' hccame 'Monbite. Am-<br />

.!~l~it~.~~lumircifr~m'l~rammire,~~arrriant<br />

to "Jerapm?e~re"),<br />

Zidoliin'!, and Hia~te,' rod in whar ir now v. 3. pnnces~s<br />

I;hmiulltr\' became 'princerrcr reven hundr-d,' and 'concuhlnr,<br />

Irt#,naelirer' became 'concubines three hundred.'<br />

fiat Solomon had a number of wives, both Israelite<br />

and non-Israelite. is probable enough, but he did not<br />

makc altars fix all of them, nor did he himself combine<br />

the ivorship of his niver' gods with that of Yahwh. He<br />

can have 11;td no thought of denyiilg the sole divinity of<br />

Ynhir-8 in the land which was Y?h\ve'r 'inhenlance.'<br />

11 is a dirlortion of the true text when aL represents<br />

Solomon as 'burning incense and sacrificing' (GUupAa<br />

xol €Due) to foreign gods.$ That thir anlbitious k,ng<br />

had such a chastened piety as we find in I K. 8 14-61<br />

lco Driver. Inlr.lel 200 Kl is 011<br />

, .<br />

all eround~ inconceivahle:<br />

hut we have no r;a;on to don6 thnt according to<br />

his lights he was a faithful worshipper of Yahw*, so far<br />

as this war consistent milh his demotic inclieationr.<br />

[In the apocryphal Bmk of Wisdom, the con~poririon<br />

of an Egypilrn Hellenist, who from internile:idence is jud ed<br />

to have lived iomcwhaf carlier than ~fiil~<br />

11. Later iree wrsoou or soiorlox), ~~i~~~~~ is<br />

idealisation. introdnced uttering wonls of rdmo,>ition,<br />

~mb~te$ with the .nirir of Greek philorophcrs,<br />

to healhen rorcreignr. Che ro-called Platter of Solnmon, on<br />

rhcorher hand, acollrclio%i of Phs~iiet Psalm, prmerved lo ur<br />

only in i. Greek uelrion, h3.i noching ro do ~irh Solomon or the<br />

tind'irional conceprlon of his pcrson. to owe it.<br />

,or rnn\c?iher who ,ha5 dirii,lg,li.hed there "ewer pieces fro",<br />

the older ' Phalmr of i)avid.'4l1n NT rimer Solomon war rhe<br />

type alike of maOiih,ence md lvirdum (11t.t;~~<br />

rk. 11~'). B U ~ jewirh ir;enl~<br />

,hir.<br />

rrrrrinp from a bl-c inlerpretrtion of EccIcr.28, gave him<br />

rovcreiglIIy over demuns, Lo which wcrc added (by a prruer.ion<br />

of 1 K.4,,>. lordship over all bearrr and hirds,nnd the pver of<br />

~~:#deirlnndln&! rhrlr sprrch. There fnhler w e d io the Arrbr<br />

~~<br />

~-<br />

1 Cp Er7ul.r. Rnoox nr and rcr Wi. G122+4.<br />

2 See Henzin~eiand ~i&l, and cp Driver, fntr.1~1, 19.<br />

3 Szc, hoiucurr, Rurney (Hartinxi IlE28*jn, nolet), who<br />

fauoarr '3r, and thinks that the fact 'hiu,ken tonrd down by<br />

rolnc larcr hand into the statement of >KT.<br />

4 0x1 the Aprocryphrl 'Psalm-of Solomon'see Awca~vs~~c<br />

L~raa*Tuns, 8s 77.85. Cp alro ~ m c a r r P ~ rI. ~ ,<br />

SON OF GOD<br />

.eforc the time of 3luhrmmed (~l'i6ickz. 123). tuunJ i place in<br />

he Konll md pue Solomon ('lulclmln) ;I kirlinp Ollie<br />

hroughou; chc Qlorlem Earr. Thc rrviy of Solonrun. the<br />

,mopr, the queen of Shehr in the Korm(.Sur. 21) closrly<br />

.iiows the second ~~rgum to hth. I a, where rhr 1cwi.h<br />

il,lrl =buur him be rrrd at large. 5oIunlon was i~bppo~eci<br />

hir .orereignrs over demons to the poi,eiiion of s reid<br />

,n rb,ci> tile 'mciu great name of God' wa, engnvcd. bec<br />

>a"c, ,,,#a,, Nigiih, Incrud., n. zr, and chap. 1, n. 15.-<br />

~ALXIAX. T. K. C.<br />

SOLOMON'S PORCH (H croh [royl coho-<br />

M W ~ [ ~ ] Jn. ~ ~ 10x3 ) . AcLr 51%. See TEMPI.E. § 30 f<br />


lih~ '13'). a guild of persons attached to the second<br />

emple, nrentioned in Ezra Zijjs Keh. isr b I13t<br />

ylol AOYAWN CAAWMWN [BAI.]; Ezi~255 y.<br />

~BAHcEA [HI; 218 y. ACEAHCEAMA [Bl. y. &BAH-<br />

-s&n\a [A]), with the XBTHIKIM (yil.), and rutnctirnrs<br />

'i.,+, Seh. 3263, 1019) appaccntly included undrl thni<br />

erm. Rerthenu-Ryrsel leaves if uncertain whether this<br />

+Id of ' servants of Sololrlolr' grew out of n srriill p:ot<br />

,r the cnnaanitish ~Q~KISCTVZ~~S (I I

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