Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

God<br />

&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

g6 Material for Sermons. IPART i.<br />

draught that is cold or hot is taken with facility, but<br />

when tepid<br />

it is taken with great difficulty, because it<br />

provokes vomiting. This precisely is what the Lord<br />

has threatened against the tepid soul. / will begin to<br />

vomit thee out of My mouth. In expounding this passage<br />

Menochius says, begins to vomit forth the tepid<br />

man, because the latter as long as he perseveres in his<br />

tepidity creates in Him nausea, until finally at his death<br />

the Lord vomits him entirely, and he is forever separated<br />

from Christ. The tepid are in danger of being vom<br />

ited forth by God, that of is, being abandoned without<br />

hope of remedy.<br />

This is what the Lord means by vom<br />

iting the soul out of his mouth; for all have a great<br />

horror of taking back what they vomit. For just as,&quot;<br />

says Cornelius a Lapide, one refuses to take back what<br />

one has rejected, so God has a horror of the tepid whom<br />

he has vomited forth.&quot; How does God begin to vomit<br />

forth the tepid priest<br />

? He ceases to give him any<br />

longer these loving calls (this precisely means to be<br />

vomited forth from the mouth of God), these spiritual<br />

consolations, these good desires. In fine, he shall be de<br />

prived of spiritual unction. The unhappy man will go<br />

to meditation, but shall make it with great tediousness,<br />

dissipation, and unwillingness. Hence he shall by<br />

degrees begin to omit it, and thus shall cease to recom<br />

mend himself to God by petitions for his graces, and<br />

by neglecting to ask the divine graces he shall always<br />

become more poor, and shall go from bad to worse. He<br />

shall say Mass and the Office, but they shall be a source<br />

of demerit rather than of merit. He shall perform all<br />

his functions with difficulty and by force, or without<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Porro tepidus incipit evomi, cum, permanens in tepore suo, Deo<br />

nauseam movere incipit, donee tandem omnino in morte sua evomatur,<br />

et a Christo in seternum separetur.&quot;<br />

2 &quot;Vomitus significat Deum exsecrari tepidos, sicut exsecramur icl<br />

quod os evomuit.&quot; /;/ Apoc.<br />

iii. 16.

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