Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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[PART<br />

1 44 Material for Sermons. ,<br />

i.<br />

fountain, all are poisoned. This may be said with<br />

greater truth of the bad example of priests; hence<br />

Eugene III. has said that bad Superiors are the prin<br />

1<br />

cipal causes of the sins of inferiors.<br />

Priests are called by St. Gregory 2<br />

Patres Christianorum<br />

The Fathers of Christians. Thus also are they called<br />

by St. John Chrysostom, who says that a priest as the<br />

representative of God is bound to take care of all men,<br />

because he is the Father of the whole world. 3 As a<br />

parent, then, sins doubly when he gives bad example to<br />

his children, so a priest is also guilty of a double sin<br />

when he gives bad example to seculars, says Peter de<br />

Blois. 4 St. Jerome made the same remark in a letter to<br />

a certain bishop: Whatever you do, all will think they<br />

they sin at the sight of the bad<br />

may also 5<br />

When do.&quot;<br />

example of a<br />

priest, seculars, as Cesarius has observed,<br />

6<br />

say, Do not also priests do such things<br />

?&quot; St.<br />

Augus<br />

tine puts the following words into the mouth of a secu<br />

lar: &quot;Why<br />

do you reproach me ? are not priests doing<br />

the same? and you wish to force me not to do so ?&quot;<br />

Gregory says that when, instead of edifying the people,<br />

a priest gives scandal, he renders sin, in a certain man<br />

ner, honorable rather than an object of horror. 3<br />

7<br />

St.<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Inferiorum culpae ad nullos magis referenda? sunt, quam ad desides<br />

rectores.&quot; 6&quot;. Bernard.<br />

De Consid. 1. 3, c. 5.<br />

2<br />

In Evang. horn. 17.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Quasi totius orbis pater Sacerdos est; dignum igitur est ut<br />

omnium curam agat, sicut ut Deus, vice.&quot;<br />

cujus fungitur In i J im.<br />

horn. 6.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Quid faciet laicus, nisi quod patrem suum spiritualem viderit<br />

5 &quot;<br />

7 &quot;<br />

facientem.&quot; Serm. 57.<br />

Quidquid feceris, id sibi omnes faciendum putant.&quot; Ep. ad<br />

Heliod.<br />

6<br />

Numquid &quot;<br />

clerici, etiam majoris ordinis, faciunt?&quot; Serm.<br />

15-<br />

Quid mihi loqueris ? Ipsi clerici non illud faciunt, et me cogis<br />

ut faciam ?&quot; Serin. 137, E. B.<br />

8 &quot;<br />

In exemplum culpa vehementer extenditur, quando, pro revereniia<br />

Ordinis, peccator honoratur.&quot; Past. p. i,<br />

c. 2.

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