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Untitled - Saints' Books


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CHAP, ix.] The Zeal of the Priest. 155<br />

what greater dignity, says the Apostle, than that of co<br />

operating with Jesus Christ in saving the souls which he<br />

has redeemed ? Hence St. Denis the Areopagite calls<br />

the dignity of the priest a divine dignity, and even the<br />

1<br />

most divine of all divine things. For, as St. Augustine<br />

says, it requires more power to sanctify a sinner than to<br />

create heaven and earth. 2<br />

St. Jerome used to call priests the saviours of the<br />

world. 3 St. Prosper calls them the administrators of<br />

the royal house of God. 4 And, long before, Jeremias<br />

called them the fishers and sportsmen of the Lord:<br />

Behold, I will send many fishers, saith the Lord, and after<br />

this I will send many hunters, and they shall liunt them from<br />

every mountain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the<br />

rocks? St. Ambrose explains this passage of priests<br />

who gain to God the most abandoned sinners, and de<br />

liver them from all their vices. The mountain signifies<br />

pride; the hill, pusillanimity; and the holes of the rocks,<br />

bad habits, which bring with them darkness of under<br />

standing and coldness of heart. Peter de Blois says<br />

that in the work of creation God had no one to assist<br />

him, but in the mystery of redemption he wished to<br />

have coadjutors.<br />

7<br />

Who on this earth is<br />

superior to the<br />

priest?<br />

&quot;To the king are intrusted earthly things; to<br />

me, a priest, heavenly things,&quot;<br />

8<br />

says St. Chrysostom.<br />

1 See page 46.<br />

2<br />

See page 35.<br />

21.<br />

3<br />

Sacerdotes Dominus mundi &quot;<br />

esse voluit salvatores.&quot;<br />

InAbdiam,<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Dispensatores regiae domus.&quot; De vita cont. 1. 2, c. 2.<br />

Ecce ego mittam piscatores multos, dicit Dominus, et piscabuntur<br />

eos; et post haec, mittam eis multos venatores, et venabuntur eos de<br />

omni monte, et de omni colle, et de cavernis petrarum.&quot; -Jer, xvi. 16.<br />

6<br />

In Ps. 1 1 8, s. 6.<br />

&quot;In<br />

opere creationis, non fuit qui adjuvaret; in mysterio vero<br />

redemptionis, voluit habere coadjutores.&quot; Set in. 47.<br />

Regi, quse hie sunt, commissa sunt; mini coelestia, mihi Sacerdoti.&quot;<br />

De Vcrbis Is. horn. 4.

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