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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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CHAP, viii.] The Sin of Scandal. 141<br />

be brought to ruin ? says St. Gregory. 1 The saint has<br />

written the same to the bishops of France, whom he<br />

exhorted to chastise the priest who is 2<br />

guilty of scandal.<br />

This is conformable to the words of the Prophet Osee:<br />

And there shall be like people like priest? By the mouth of<br />

Jeremias the Lord has said, And I will fill the soul of the<br />

priest with fatness and My :<br />

people shall be filled with good<br />

things. Hence St. Charles Borromeo says that if the<br />

priests be fat and rich in virtue, the people, too, shall be<br />

rich; but if the priests be poor, the people<br />

shall be in<br />

still greater poverty. 5<br />

Thomas de Cantimpre writes that in Paris a devil told<br />

an ecclesiastic to preach to the clergy of that city, and<br />

to say that the princes of hell saluted and thanked some<br />

of them for having caused the damnation of an immense<br />

multitude of souls. 6 Of this the Lord complained by<br />

the Prophet Jeremias: My people, hath been a lost flock;<br />

their shepherds have caused them to go astray} There is no<br />

alternative, says St. Gregory; when the priest walks into<br />

the precipice, the people, too, are dashed to ruin. 3<br />

The<br />

bad example of the priest necessarily produces im-<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Laqueus ruinse populi mei, Sacerdotes mali.&quot; Fast. p. i, c, 2.<br />

&quot;<br />

2<br />

Ne paucorum facinus multorum possit esse perditio; nam causa<br />

sunt ruinse populi Sacerdotes mali.&quot; Epist. 1. 9, ep. 64.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Et erit, sicut populus, sic Sacerdos.&quot; Os. iv. 9.<br />

Et inebriabo animam Sacerdotum pinguedine, et populus meus<br />

bonis meis adimplebitur.&quot; Jer. xxxi. 14.<br />

5<br />

Si pingues sint Sacerdotes, erunt itidern populi pingues; et<br />

secus, si illi inanes erunt, magnum populis imminebit paupertatis periculum.&quot;<br />

/;/ Synod, dicec. n, orat. I.<br />

tenebrarum<br />

&quot;&quot;Principes principes Ecclesiae salutant. Laeti omnes<br />

6<br />

&quot;<br />

7<br />

8 &quot;<br />

nos gratias eisdem referimus, quia, per eorum negligentiam, ad nos<br />

devolvitur totus fere mundus.&quot; De Apib.<br />

1. i, c. 20.<br />

Grex perditus factus est populus meus; pastores eorum seduxerunt<br />

eos.&quot; 1.<br />

Jer. 6.<br />

Unde fit ut, cum pastor per abrupta graditur, ad prsecipitium<br />

grex sequatur.&quot; Past. p. i, c. 2.

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