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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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CHAP, i.] The Dignity of the Priesthood. 29<br />

the souls of the faithful: The Son,&quot; says St. John Chrysostom,<br />

&quot;has put into the hands of the priests all judg<br />

ment; for having been as it were transported into<br />

heaven, they have received this divine prerogative. If<br />

a king gave to a mortal the power to release from<br />

prison all prisoners, all would pronounce such a one<br />

happy; but priests have received from God a far greater<br />

power, since the soul is more noble than the body.&quot;<br />

IV.<br />

The Dignity of the Priest Surpasses<br />

Dignities.<br />

all other Created<br />

Thus the sacerdotal dignity<br />

is the most noble of all<br />

the dignities in this world.<br />

St. Am<br />

Nothing,&quot; says<br />

brose, more excellent in this &quot;is world.&quot; 2 It transcends,<br />

says St. Bernard, the &quot;all dignities of kings, of em<br />

:<br />

perors, and of angels.&quot; According to St. Ambrose, the<br />

dignity of the priest as far exceeds that of kings, as the<br />

value of gold surpasses that of lead. 4 The reason is,<br />

because the power of kings extends only to temporal<br />

goods and to the bodies of men, but the power of the<br />

priest extends to spiritual goods and to the human soul.<br />

Hence, says St. Clement, as much as the soul is more<br />

noble than the body, so much is the priesthood more<br />

5<br />

&quot;<br />

excellent than royalty.&quot; Princes,&quot; says St. John<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Omne judicium a Filio illis traditum Nam, quasi in<br />

coelum translati, ad principatum istum perducti sunt. Si cui rex hunc<br />

honorem detulerit, ut potestatem habeat quoscunque in carcerem conjectos<br />

laxandi, beatus ille judicio omnium fuerit; at vero qui tanto<br />

majorem a Deo accepit potestatem, quanto animae corporibus praestant.&quot;<br />

De Sacerd. \. 3.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Nihil in hoc saeculo excellentius.&quot; DC Dignit. sac. c. 3.<br />

Prsetulit vos, Sacerdotes, regibus et imperatoribus; prsetulit<br />

Angelis.&quot;<br />

Serm. ad Pastor, in syn.<br />

4<br />

Longe erit inferius, quam si plumbum ad auri fulgorem com<br />

pares.&quot;<br />

De Dignit. sac. c. 2.<br />

5<br />

Quanto anima corpore praestantior est, tanto est Sacerdotium<br />

regno excellentius.&quot; Constit. apost. 1. 2, c. 34.

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