Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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De<br />

&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

272 Material for Instructions. IPART n.<br />

in the first<br />

place, consider that the office of a confessor<br />

is<br />

very difficult and dangerous, and that on account of<br />

its difficulty and danger the Council of Trent has called<br />

it an office to be dreaded even by angels. And 1<br />

what,<br />

says St. Laurence Justinian, can be more perilous than<br />

to assume the responsibility of rendering to God an<br />

account of the life of others? 2 St. Gregory says that<br />

no error is more dangerous than that which is com<br />

mitted in the direction of souls. 3 It is certain that if<br />

a soul be lost through the fault of her confessor, God<br />

will demand of him an account of that soul: / will<br />

require My flock at their hand? And the Apostle writes:<br />

for they watch, as being to render<br />

Obey your prelates, . . .<br />

an account ofyour souls* Hence, according to St. Greg<br />

ory, a confessor has to render to God an account of as<br />

many souls as he has penitents. 6 And St. John Chrysostom<br />

says: If we already tremble having to render<br />

an account of our own sins, what awaits him who has to<br />

render an account of so many souls 7<br />

?&quot;<br />

This is not applicable to those good priests who, pene<br />

trated with a holy fear, labor to qualify themselves for<br />

this great office, and afterwards devote themselves to<br />

the exercise of it, through the sole desire of bringing<br />

souls to God. It is intended only for those who under<br />

take to hear confessions through worldly motives, or<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Onus angelicis humeris formidandum.&quot; Sess. 6, de Rcf. c. i.<br />

Periculosa res est, pro peccatoribus se fidejussorem constituere.&quot;<br />

DC Inst. FreeI. c. 6.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Nullibi periculosius<br />

erratur.&quot;<br />

Requiram gregem meum de manu eorum.<br />

Obedite praepositis vestris, et subjacete eis;<br />

Ezech. xxxiv. 10.<br />

ipsi enim pervigilant,<br />

quasi rationem pro animabus vestris reddituri.&quot; Heb. xiii. 17.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Quot regendis subditis praeest, reddendae apud eum rationis ternpore,<br />

ut ita dicam, tot solus animas habet.&quot; Moral. \. 24, c. 30.<br />

7<br />

&quot;<br />

Si horremus, dum peccatorum propriorum rationem reddituri<br />

sumus, quid illi expectandum est, qui tarn multorum nomine causam sit<br />

dicturus ?.&quot; Sacerd. 1. 3.

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