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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. ix.i Exterior Mortification. 381<br />

tise mortification God gives that sweetness and peace<br />

that are hidden from the unmortified, and that surpass<br />

all sensual pleasures: The peace of God, which surpasseth<br />

all under st~nding} Hence they who live dead to earthly<br />

delights are pronounced happy: Blessed are the dead who<br />

die in the Lord? Worldlings regard as miserable the life<br />

of those who live at a distance from sensual gratifica<br />

tions. They see the Cross, but not its interior unction? says<br />

St. Bernard; they see the mortifications of the saints, but<br />

not the interior consolations with which God caresses<br />

them, even in this life. The promises of God cannot<br />

fail: Take up My yoke upon you, and . . you shall find rest<br />

.<br />

to souls.&quot;<br />

your Ah! the soul that loves God suffers not<br />

in her mortifications. He who loves, finds nothing diffi<br />

cult, says St. Augustine/ Love,&quot; says a certain author,<br />

blushes at the word difficulty.&quot;<br />

As nothing resists<br />

death, so nothing resists love: Love is as strong as death?<br />

If we wish to acquire eternal delights, we must de<br />

prive ourselves of temporal pleasures: He that will save<br />

his life shall lose it? Hence St. Augustine says: Be<br />

ware of enjoying yourself in this life, lest you suffer<br />

eternally.&quot;<br />

8<br />

St. John saw all the saints with palms in<br />

their hands. 10 To be saved, we must all be martyrs,<br />

either by the sword of the tyrant or by voluntary<br />

mortification. Let us reflect that all we suffer is<br />

nothing<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Pax Dei, quse exsuperat omnem sensum.&quot; Phil. iv. 7.<br />

Beati mortui, qui in Domino moriuntur.&quot; Apoc. xiv. 13.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Crucem videntes, sed non etiam unctionem.&quot; In Dedic. s. I.<br />

Tollite jugum meum super vos,<br />

. . . et invenietis requiem<br />

animabus vestris.&quot; Matth. xi. 29.<br />

5<br />

&quot;Qui amat, non laborat.&quot; In Jo. tr. 48.<br />

6<br />

&quot;Amor, difficultatis nomen erubescit.&quot;<br />

Lign. v. de Char. c. 4.<br />

&quot;<br />

7<br />

8 &quot;<br />

xvi. 25.<br />

Fortis est ut mors dilectio.&quot; Cant. viii. 6.<br />

Qui enim voluerit animam salvam facere, perdet<br />

earn.&quot; Matth.<br />

9 &quot;<br />

Noli amare in hac vita, ne perdas in aeterna vita.&quot; In Jo. tr. 51.<br />

10 &quot;<br />

Stantes ante thronum, . . . et palrrue<br />

in manibus eorum.&quot;<br />

Apoc. vii. 9.

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