Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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70 Material for Sermons. [PART i<br />

money, practise strict fast, sleep on the hard floor, and<br />

macerate yourself by hard labor. But no; he says, Feed<br />

my sheep.&quot;<br />

On the word my, St. Augustine remarks<br />

that our Lord wished to say: Feed them as my sheep,<br />

not as thine; seek in them my glory, not thine; my<br />

2<br />

profit, not thine.&quot; In<br />

these words the saint has taught<br />

that he that desires to labor for the salvation of souls<br />

should seek neither his own glory nor his own gain, but<br />

only the advancement of the divine glory.<br />

After reading the lives of the holy martyrs, and of the<br />

holy workmen in God s<br />

vineyard, St. Teresa 3 said that<br />

she envied the latter more than the former, on account<br />

of the great glory which they that labor for the con<br />

version of sinners give to God. St. Catharine of Sienna<br />

used to kiss the ground that had been trodden by priests<br />

employed in saving souls. Such was her zeal for the<br />

salvation of sinners, that she desired to be placed at the<br />

mouth of hell, that no soul might enter into that land<br />

of torment. And what do we, who are priests, say<br />

?<br />

What do we do ? We see so many souls perish, and<br />

shall we remain idle spectators of their perdition ?<br />

St.<br />

Paul said that to obtain the salvation of his neigh<br />

bors he would have consented to be separated from Jesus<br />

Christ, that is, according to commentators, for a time:<br />

For I wished myself to be an anathema from Christ, for my<br />

brethren? St. John Chrysostom desired to be blind, pro<br />

vided the souls under his care were converted. 5 St.<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Poterat dicere: Si amas me, abjice pecunias, jejunia exerce,<br />

raacera te laboribus. Nunc vero ait: Pasce oves meas. Serm. de<br />

B. Philog.<br />

&quot;<br />

2<br />

Sicut meas pasce, non sicut tuas; gloriam meam in eis quaere,<br />

non tuam; lucra mea, non tua.&quot; /;/ Jo. tr. 123.<br />

3<br />

Found, ch. i.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Optabam enim ego ipse anathema esse a Christo pro fratribus<br />

meis.&quot; Rom. ix. 3.<br />

Millies optarem ipse exsecrabilis esse, si per hoc liceret animas<br />

vestras convertere.&quot; In Act. horn. 3.

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