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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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1<br />

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INSTR. ii.] Good Example of the Priest. 231<br />

The<br />

priest. And according to the Council of Trent,<br />

integrity of those who govern is the safety of the<br />

governed. But, on the other hand, how great the<br />

havoc, how strong the temptations, caused by the bad<br />

example of a priest My people, says the Lord, by the<br />

!<br />

mouth of the prophet Jeremias, have been a lost flock; their<br />

shepherds have caused them to go astray. 3 &quot; God,&quot; writes St.<br />

Gregory, suffers from no one more than from priests<br />

whom he has appointed for the salvation of others, and<br />

whom he sees giving bad 1<br />

example.&quot; St. Bernard says<br />

that seculars, seeing the sinful life of the priest, think<br />

no more of amending their conduct, but begin to despise<br />

the sacraments, and the rewards and punishments of the<br />

next life.&quot;<br />

&quot;Very many,&quot; writes the holy Doctor, &quot;be<br />

holding the wicked life of an ecclesiastic, indulge in<br />

vices, despise the sacraments, feel no horror of hell, nor<br />

the smallest desire of heavenly things.&quot;<br />

For, like the<br />

man of whom St. Augustine writes, they say: do<br />

&quot;Why<br />

you correct me? Do not ecclesiastics do what I do?<br />

c<br />

And do you compel me to abstain from it ?&quot; Our Lord<br />

At the sight of the bad example of<br />

said to St. Bridget:<br />

the priest the sinner assumes confidence in sinning, and<br />

begins to boast of sins which he before regarded as<br />

shameful.&quot; Priests in the Church,&quot; says St. Gregory,<br />

1 &quot;<br />

2<br />

c, i.<br />

Propter Oniae pontificis pietatem.&quot; 2 Much. iii. i.<br />

Integritas praesidentium salus est subditorum.&quot; Scss. 6, de Ref.<br />

3<br />

Grex perditus factus est populus meus; pastores eorum seduxerunt<br />

eos.&quot;<br />

Jcf. 1 6.<br />

4<br />

Nullum &quot;<br />

majus prsejudicium, quam a Sacerdotibus, tolerat Deus,<br />

quando eos, quos ad aliorum correctionem posuit, dare de se exempla<br />

pravitatis In cernit.&quot; Evang. horn. 17.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Plurimi, considerantes cleri sceleratam vitam, Sacramenta despiciunt,<br />

vitia non evitant, non horrent inferos, coelestia minime concupiscunt.&quot;<br />

T. I. s. 19, a. 2, c. i.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

faciam ?&quot;<br />

Quid mihi loqueris ? Ipsi clerici non illud faciunt, et me cogis ut<br />

Scrm. 137, E. JR.<br />

1<br />

Viso exemplo pravo Sacerdotum, peccator fiduciam peccandi su.-

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