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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

That<br />

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1<br />

He<br />

INSTR. ix.] Exterior Mortification. 363<br />

loss, exclaims St. Hilary, when everything in this world,<br />

and even life itself, is lost in order to follow Jesus Christ<br />

and to gain eternal glory. 1 St. Bernard says that were<br />

there no other reason for giving ourselves entirely to<br />

God, it would be enough to know that God has given<br />

himself entirely to us. 2 But to give ourselves to God<br />

without reserve, it is<br />

necessary to banish from the* heart<br />

every earthly desire. Wherever charity<br />

is augmented,&quot;<br />

says St. Augustine, there cupidity<br />

is diminished. Free<br />

dom from all cupidity is perfection.&quot;<br />

who least<br />

desires the goods of the earth, loves God most; he who<br />

desires nothing, loves God perfectly.<br />

In the preceding instruction we have spoken of in<br />

terior mortification: we shall now speak of external<br />

mortification, or the mortification of the senses. This<br />

species of mortification is also necessary, because on<br />

account of sin our flesh wars, as the Apostle said of<br />

himself, against reason, and is an enemy to our salva<br />

tion: I see another law in my members, fighting against the<br />

is,&quot; says<br />

law of my mind?<br />

St. Thomas in his<br />

comment on this passage, the concupiscence of the flesh<br />

that is<br />

struggling with reason.&quot; It is necessary to<br />

understand that the soul must bring the body under<br />

subjection, or the body will trample on the soul. God<br />

has given us senses that we employ them, not as we<br />

please, but as he directs; hence we must mortify the<br />

desires that are contrary to the divine law.<br />

They that are Christ s have crucified their flesh, with the<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Jactura felix! contemptu universorum, Christus sequendus est, et<br />

aeternitas comparanda.&quot; In Matth. can. 16.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Integrum te da illi, quia ille, ut te salvaret, integrum<br />

De Modo bene. viv. c. 8.<br />

3<br />

Nutrimentum charitatis est imminutio &quot;<br />

cupiditatis;<br />

se tradidit.&quot;<br />

perfectio, nulla<br />

cupiditas.&quot;<br />

De div. qucest. q. 36.<br />

4 &quot;Video autem aliam legem in membris meis, repugnantem legi<br />

mentis mese.&quot; Rom. vii. 23.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Id est concupiscentia carnis contrarians rationi.&quot;

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