Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. ix.] Exterior Mortification. 383<br />

Hence every act of mortification is a work for heaven.<br />

This thought will sweeten all the bitterness we shall<br />

1<br />

feel in mortification: The just man liveth by faith. To<br />

live well, and obtain salvation, we must live by faith,<br />

that is, in view of the eternity which awaits us: Man<br />

shall go into the house of his eternity? Let us consider,<br />

says St. Augustine, that at the very time when the Lord<br />

exhorts us to combat against temptations, he assists us,<br />

and prepares a crown for us. 3 Speaking of wrestlers,<br />

the Apostle said, that they abstain from everything that<br />

can be an obstacle to their winning a miserable tem<br />

poral crown; how much more ought we to die to all<br />

things in order to acquire an infinite and eternal crown:<br />

Every one that strivcth for the mastery refraineth himself<br />

from all things ; and they indeed that they may receive a<br />

corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible one.&quot;<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Justus autem ex fide vivit.&quot; Rom. i.<br />

17.<br />

Quoniam ibit homo in domum aeternitatis suae.&quot; Eccles. xii. 5.<br />

Deus hortatur ut pugnes, et deficientem sublevat, et vincentem<br />

coronal.&quot; In Ps. 32, enarr. 2.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Omnis autem qui in agone contendit, ab omnibus se abstinet; et<br />

illi<br />

quidem utcorruptibilemcoronamaccipiant, nos autem incorruptam.&quot;<br />

i Cor. ix. 25.

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