Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. iv.] The Sacrament of Penance. 287<br />

4. When the penitent asks, with a sincere desire of<br />

amendment, for new remedies or means of freeing him<br />

self from the sin;<br />

5. If he come to confession, not to conform to any<br />

pious custom already established, such as the practice<br />

of going to the sacraments at Christmas, or any other<br />

determinate festival;<br />

not by the direction of a parent or<br />

master, but through a desire infused by God of recover<br />

ing the divine grace; particularly if the penitent has put<br />

himself to great inconvenience in order to come to con<br />

fession, by making a long journey; or if he has come<br />

after a great struggle, or after doing great violence to<br />

himself;<br />

6. If he has been impelled to go to confession by<br />

hearing a sermon, by the account of the sudden death<br />

or some great calamity of another, or by any other<br />

extraordinary spiritual motive;<br />

7. If he confesses sins previously concealed through<br />

shame;<br />

8. If the penitent shows that by the admonition of<br />

the confessor he has acquired new light, and a new<br />

horror for his sins, and a new dread of the danger of<br />

being lost;<br />

9. Some theologians place among the extraordinary<br />

signs of repentance a firm promise made by the peni<br />

tent to practise the remedies prescribed by his con<br />

fessor; but unless there is some other sign, the confessor<br />

can seldom trust to such promises. For in order to<br />

obtain absolution the more easily, penitents make many<br />

promises that they are not firmly resolved to fulfil.<br />

Whenever, then, there are such extraordinary signs, a<br />

confessor may absolve a relapsing sinner; but he may<br />

also defer absolution for some time, when he knows that<br />

delay will be profitable to his- penitent. Some maintain<br />

that it is not always expedient to defer the absolution of<br />

a relapsing sinner who has the necessary dispositions;

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