Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

He<br />

Omnes<br />

;<br />

&quot;<br />

1 68 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

said: I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and<br />

delivered Himself up for me. 1<br />

By these words he signified<br />

that Jesus Christ would have died as soon for a single<br />

soul as for the salvation of all men, says St. John Chrysostom<br />

in his comment on this passage. 2 This our Re<br />

deemer gave us to understand by the parable of the groat<br />

that had been lost. On this parable St. Thomas writes:<br />

calls together all the angels, not that all men, but<br />

that he himself may be congratulated on account of<br />

the groat that was found, as if man were God s God, as<br />

if his salvation depended on man s finding him, and as if<br />

God could not be happy &quot;without him.<br />

It is related by several authors* of St. Carpus, Bishop,<br />

that he had a vision in which he seemed to see a scandal<br />

ous sinner who had induced an innocent person to com<br />

mit sin, and that he felt himself impelled by zeal to<br />

throw him into a precipice on the brink of which he<br />

stood, but Jesus Christ appeared to support the sinner<br />

with his hand, and said to St. Carpus: Strike me, for I<br />

am ready again to die for sinners.&quot; As if he said:<br />

Hold, strike me rather than this sinner; for I have given<br />

my life for him, and am ready to give it again to save<br />

him from perdition.<br />

The ecclesiastical spirit, says Louis Habert, 5 consists<br />

&quot; 1<br />

8 &quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

Dilexit me, et tradidit me.&quot;<br />

semetipsum pro Gal. ii. 20.<br />

Neque enim recusaturus esset vel ob unum hominem tantam<br />

exhibere dispensationem.&quot;<br />

3<br />

Angelos convocat ad congratulandum non homini, sed<br />

sibi, quasi homo Dei Deus esset, et tota salus divina ab ipsius inventione<br />

dependeret, et quasi sine ipso beatus esse non posset.&quot;<br />

De<br />

Beat. c. 7.<br />

&quot;<br />

4<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Percute me, quia iterum pro peccatoribus mori paratus sum.&quot;<br />

Essentialiter consistit in ardenti studio promovendi gloriam Dei<br />

et salutem proximi.&quot;<br />

De Sacr. Ord. p. 3, c. 5.<br />

* The first of these authors is St. Denis the Areopagite (Ep. ad<br />

Demoph.}, and it is believed that St. Carpus, who had this vision, is<br />

the one of v*h&amp;lt;Ma&amp;gt; SU Paul speaks in 2. Tim. iv. 13. ED.

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