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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

CHAP, x.] The Vocation to the Priesthood. 197<br />

Council of Trent, in reference to the words of Scripture,<br />

And a spotless life in old age? prescribes to the bishops to<br />

admit to ordination only those who show themselves<br />

worthy by a conduct full of wise maturity. 2<br />

And of this<br />

positive virtue it is necessary, according to St. Thomas,<br />

to have not a doubtful but a certain knowledge. 3<br />

This,<br />

according to St. Gregory, is particularly necessary with<br />

regard to the virtue of chastity:<br />

&quot;No one should be<br />

admitted to the ministry of the altar unless an assurance<br />

has been given of his perfect<br />

4<br />

chastity.&quot;<br />

With regard<br />

to chastity, the holy Pontiff required a proof of many<br />

years. 5<br />

From this we may<br />

infer that God will demand a<br />

terrible account of the parish priest who gives to per<br />

sons aspiring to the priesthood a testimony of their<br />

having frequented the sacraments and led exemplary<br />

lives, though they had neglected the frequentation of<br />

the sacraments, and had given scandal rather than good<br />

example. Such parish priests by these false attesta<br />

tions, given not through charity, as they pretend, but<br />

against the charity due to God and the Church, render<br />

themselves guilty of all the sins that shall be afterwards<br />

committed by the bad priests who were ordained in<br />

consequence of these testimonials. For in this matter<br />

bishops trust to the testimony of parish priests, and are<br />

deceived. Nor should a parish priest in giving such<br />

attestations trust the testimony<br />

of others: he cannot<br />

give them unless he is certain that what he attests is<br />

1 &quot;<br />

^Etas senectutis, vita immaculata.&quot; Wisd. iv. 9.<br />

Sciant episcopi debere ad hos (sacros) Ordines assumi dignos<br />

3 &quot;<br />

dumtaxat, et quorum probata vita senectus sit.&quot; Sess. 23, cap. 12.<br />

Sed etiam habeatur certitude de qualitate promovendorum.&quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Suppl. q. 36, a. 4.<br />

Nullus debet ad ministerium altaris accedere, nisi cujus castitas<br />

ante susceptum ministerium fuerit approbata.&quot; Lib. I, ep. 42.<br />

Ne unquam<br />

ii<br />

qui ordinati sunt, pereant, prius aspiciatur sr vita<br />

eorum continens ab annis plurimis<br />

fuit.&quot; Lib. 3, ep. 26.

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