Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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478 Index.<br />

PRAYER, should often be recommended, 21; it is particularly neces<br />

sary for the priest, 289. It is a great means to obtain and to<br />

preserve chastity, 261. We should pray without ceasing, 445.<br />

To pray well we should practise mental prayer, 292.<br />

PREACHING, it is a duty of the priest, 181, 265. We should begin by<br />

preaching by example, 238, 266, 451, 454. Intention that one<br />

should have, 20, 177, 267. Success should be expected from the<br />

divine mercy, 21, 317. It is<br />

necessary that the preacher makes<br />

the discourse his own, 19. He should adopt a simple and<br />

popular manner, 269, and renounce vain ornaments, 20, 268, 452.<br />

Respect and sweetness are necessary in order to convince any<br />

one, 21. He must inspire sinners with confidence, and often<br />

recommend prayer, 21; frequently remind them of the last<br />

things, and speak of practical things, 20, 271.<br />

PREPARATION for Mass, its importance, 213, 429. Preparation is<br />

twofold: remote and proximate, 214. The priest should propose<br />

to himself three ends, 217.<br />

PRIDE, a vice incompatible with chastity, 260, 309. God detests the<br />

proud, 307.<br />

PRIEST, SACERDOS and PRESBYTER, explanation of these names, 46,<br />

157, 234. Dignity of the priest, 23, 154. His power over the<br />

real body and the mystical body of Jesus Christ, 26, 32, 34.<br />

Chief titles which, besides that of priest, express his dignity and<br />

his offices: ambassador of the Church with God, 24; leader of the<br />

flock of Jesus Christ, 187, 231; creator of his Creator, 35; the<br />

husbandman of the vineyard of the Lord, 160; a God on earth,<br />

67, 156; dispenser of the sacraments, 60, and of the royal house of<br />

God, 187; a celestial man, 78, a man of God, 54; interpreter of<br />

the divine law, 187; judge, having the power of the keys, 27, 34;<br />

light of the world, 140, 232; spiritual physician, 160; mediator<br />

between God and men, 34, 59, 179, 216; minister, ambassador,<br />

and co-operator of God, 43, 54, 65, 155; minister of the altar, 55;<br />

mirror of the world, 239; model of virtues, 62, 139, 230; father<br />

of Christians, 144, 160, 234; the salt of the earth, 140, 159, 232;<br />

the temple, the house of God, 109, 160; the vicar of Jesus Christ,<br />

34, 42, 59, 123. He belongs not to himself, but to God, 185.<br />

His charge is formidable, 39, 43, 48, 157, 178; his duties, see<br />

Mass, Preaching, Confessors, Sanctity, etc. Reward of his zeal,<br />

172. If he is a sinner or tepid, he will not easily be converted, 21,<br />

77, 93. When God wishes to chastise a people, he begins with<br />

the priests, 83.<br />

PROPERTY, earthly, one must be detached from it, 345.<br />

PURITY, see Chastity.

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