Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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1 1 8 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

The prophet and the priest are defiled.<br />

. . .<br />

Therefore their<br />

way shall be as a slippery way in the dark j for they shall be<br />

driven on, and fall therein? Behold the ruin of the un<br />

chaste ecclesiastic. He walks on a slippery path, in the<br />

midst of darkness, and is<br />

impelled to the precipice by<br />

the devils, and by evil habits. Hence it is impossible<br />

for him to escape destruction. St. Augustine says that<br />

they that give themselves up to this vice soon contract<br />

the habit of it; and the habit soon creates, as it were, a<br />

necessity of sinning. 2<br />

The vulture rather than abandon<br />

the carcass on which it has begun to feed is content to<br />

wait to be killed by the sportsman. This happens to<br />

him that contracts a habit of impurity.<br />

Oh! how much greater the obstinacy produced in the<br />

priest that submits to the tyrannical rule of this vice,<br />

than that which it causes in seculars! This happens<br />

both because the priest has had greater light to know<br />

the malice of mortal sin, and because in him impurity<br />

is<br />

a greater sin than it is in a secular. For the unchaste<br />

priest not only offends against chastity, but also against<br />

religion, by violating his vow, and, generally speaking,<br />

he also transgresses against fraternal charity. For the<br />

incontinence of a priest is almost always accompanied<br />

with most grievous scandal to others. In his book on<br />

the<br />

Things,&quot;<br />

Denis the Carthusian relates that a<br />

servant of God, conducted in spirit to purgatory, saw<br />

there many seculars that were suffering<br />

for sins against<br />

purity, but very few priests. Having asked the reason,<br />

he was told that scarcely any unchaste priest repents<br />

sincerely of this sin, and that, therefore, almost all such<br />

3<br />

priests are damned.<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Propheta et Sacerdos polluti sunt;<br />

. . . idcirco via eorum erit<br />

quasi lubricum in tenebris; impellentur enim, et corruent in ea.&quot;-<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Jcr. xxiii. II.<br />

2<br />

Dum servitur &quot; libidini, facta est consuetude; et dum consuetudini<br />

non resistitur, facta est necessitas.&quot; Conf. 1. 8, c. 5.<br />

Vix aliquis talium veram habet contritionem; idcirco pene omnes<br />

seternalher damnantur.&quot; Quat. A T ov. p. 3. a. 13

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